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The LEFT is Violating the Foundation of Law

  There have been some bad decisions by the Supreme Court, such as Dread Scott and allowing the Japanese imprisonment during WWII. But never in the history of the nation has what is unfolding over abortion ever taken place, which is in itself, a confirmation that our computer is forecasting that the United States will […]

Republicans Fail to Reject NATO Expansion

We spend too much on the military, but we should give all our money to Ukraine. Make it make sense! Sweden and Finland made their grand debut in NATO this week. The Democrats helped push that into law in a vote that passed 394-18. Only 18 dissenters, all Republicans, saw the flaw involved with expanding […]

Global Water Scarcity on Schedule

A new study by the University of Colorado Boulder published on “One Earth” cites water scarcity as the top threat to food security in the next 20 years. “Multiple events occurring at the same time compound the problem,” the study noted, citing droughts, floods, heat waves, pest outbreaks, diseases, and financial and political conflicts. Over […]

Coming Soon: Climate Change v Animal Activists

Two groups that usually overlap are about to come into direct confrontation due to the net-zero carbon culture. Both climate and animal rights activists have been known to make their voices heard through protests that are not always peaceful. Farmers are being unfairly targeted by climate change activists for having cattle that produce emissions, and […]

Australia’s Rental Crisis

Renters across the globe are in a bad spot as housing has become unaffordable. The situation is particularly bad in Australia where rentals have reached a high not seen since 2009. As of March, the average rental was A$600 per week, surpassing the mid-2018 high of A$550. The is not enough supply to meet demand. […]

WWIII is not Worth Supporting Ukraine in a Land Grab

The West is determined to invade Russia and they believe that they can destroy it despite the fact that they are no longer a communist nation or a threat. That does not seem to matter because they want war because Russia and China will not surrender their sovereignty to the United Nations under this Great […]

The World in Chaos

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it has become so apparent that sites like _____ always promote gold so they refuse ever to quote you for they are doing the very same thing of creating a cancel culture. It is their commentary or nothing else. I have stopped reading them. Then you said that your computer showed this […]

British Politics – Johnson Resigns Taking the Pound With Him

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You rather bluntly rejected meeting with our PM. It looks like you were correct. Will we now turn to Labour to kill the British pound? HJ ANSWER: Boris Johnson is a disgrace. I had heard that he was untrustworthy and I think he has tried to lie his way out of too […]

A Future Draft is Possible in the US

The US military is having trouble recruiting new members, according to the Pentagon. A much lower percentage of Americans are eligible to serve, and within that population, an even smaller amount is willing to enlist. Ret. Lt. Gen. Thomas Spoehr of the Heritage Foundation said, “This is the start of a long drought for military […]

Energy Crisis Driving Up Food Costs

Agriculture experts are calling this season one of the most important crop years in recent history. The supply chain has barely improved, exports are expensive, and we must rely on domestically grown and raised food more than ever. Everything is connected, as are the ongoing crises. The energy crisis is adding to rising food prices […]