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Market Talk- October 24, 2017

  Having just seen an uncertain US session, Asia was a little confused which way to take markets from the opening bell. Still, it appears as though Shanghai and Hang Seng want to cancel each other out which a very much mixed session. The Nikkei had another strong day resulting in 16 days of consecutive […]

Has the OECD Been Told to Put Out Fake Opinions?

  They just don’t give up. Now the OECD is coming out telling Britain to have a new referendum and stay in the EU. They claim, without any evidence to back up one work, that they “believe” it will have a positive impact on the British economy. One really has to wonder if they have not […]

Market Talk- October 20th, 2017

The opening conversation in Asia was that of the impressive bounce the US markets had attained by close of business. Many Asian traders had left their desks Thursday with the DOW futures down over 130 points with fears spreading that we could see a repeat of the October ‘87 crash. As a result of the […]

Market Talk- October 19th, 2017

The “Catalan Crisis” as it is now being referred to, is just that, a crisis. Spanish government ministers said they will meet an activate the Article 155 which allows them to take over control of the Catalan region. With Carles Puigdemont saying he will proceed with independence if he is faced with continued “repression” from […]

Market Talk- October 18th, 2017

Even though we saw yet another strong day for US markets, for Asia it was more steady as she goes rather than running away with itself. With the Chinese Party conference just underway, many will be looking for headlines to set the next stage of the markets. Currency will set the agenda with stocks following […]

Market Talk- October 17th, 2017

Having seen yet another US session, Asian markets traded firm and steady. We are on the eve of the Chinese Communist Party meeting which markets are eagerly awaiting any news and views. The Yuan continues to trade around years best levels (6.60) having spent the first six months of 2017 playing around 6.90 levels. The […]

Europe’s Economic Death Spiral

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said when you were here in Berlin that the EU Commission is about as incompetent as the US Congress. You also said Macron is trying to federalize Europe as the solution Could you elaborate on that comment? ANSWER: The EU Commission at present is composed of 28 Commissioners, who must always ensure […]

The GDP Decline Post-2015.75

The economic decline that we are now in moving into about 2036, is significantly different than pre-2015.75. The confidence shifted and 2015.75 was the peak in confidence in government. This is the rising discontent which produced Trump, BREXIT, and the rising separatist movements around the globe. The old way of running the economy is what […]

Market Talk- October 16th, 2017

The big event this week will be China which commences its 19th National Congress of the Communist Party on Wednesday. It is little surprise that the Shanghai stock market gave up early gains to close a fraction weaker. The initial rally was based on the expected strong CPI release (+1.6%), but was overshadowed by the […]

The Coming One-World Currency

QUESTION: Bitcoin + Cryptocurrencies Firstly, thank you – I’ve learned more from your blog and models that high-school would ever have hoped to teach me. And even after a year, I am a still at the start-line of knowledge. I am also been a follower and investor/gambler on crypto for over a year.   I […]