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China & US War in 3 Months?

The former Labor Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd has come out in a piece he wrote in Foreign Affairs – Beware the Guns of August—in Asia. Rudd is claiming that the US and China may go to war in three months ahead of the US elections. This is clearly the left trying to claim that […]

Belgium Files LawSuit Against Gates & Neil Ferguson

Hundreds of angry Belgians have filed a lawsuit against Bill Gates, Belgium, and a British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson in court. They want all corona measures to be abolished. They have argued that “[w]ithout a lockdown, there would have been fewer deaths.” People have lost their freedoms and their livelihood all to further a concocted agenda […]

The Cycle of Socialism – Is It Inevitable?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I am hoping you can post this Q in your public blog. I have been following you for several years now and I think you have a great mind. You are clearly a deep thinker and as a result of being such you obviously see solutions to problems others can’t see. But […]

Market Talk – July 28, 2020

ASIA: China has said Hong Kong will suspend extradition treaties with Britain, Canada, and Australia after they took similar steps over the territory’s controversial new security law. The Foreign Ministry spokesman accused the countries of “gross interference in China’s internal affairs.” Earlier this month, US lawmakers approved sanctions in response to the law, targeting banks […]

The Fall of the United Nations

QUESTION: Dear Martin, The UN Charter was formed 26 June 1945 86 years will take it to June 2031. Does the UN Agenda 2030 coincide with a collapse of it’s forced agenda? J ANSWER: According to our models, the United Nations, as we know it, will come to an end by 2031 following the old […]

Can Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum Ever Be Trusted?

COMMENT: Marty, The Eugenicists/bioethicists/climate change/population reduction activists just won’t quit. The Actors of today are continuing the great work started long ago by their predecessors. They are allowed to practice their religion, while any religion that directly challenges and undermines their authority is now being shutdown along with any business that can compete with theirs. […]

Why MMT is Governments’ Option of Choice

We have reached the point of no return. Governments will find it IMPOSSIBLE to constantly roll their national debts as we enter 2021. Any attempt at paying down the public debt or moving into surplus would be catastrophic and undermine the entire world economy. Who are we kidding? The tax burden on each generation will […]

LOCKDOWNS – When Will they End?

This COVID-19 is a virus that will be with us into the next couple of years, yet it will mutate as all viruses do. We need a completely new crop of politicians because lockdowns are not the answer. Do these people really think they can keep locking people down for the rest of our lives […]

They are Deliberately Trying to Bankrupt Businesses To Recreate A Marxist World

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Most provinces (including the touristic Balearic islands) have now mandated mask use even if you’re in the woods or park or in a totally deserted street or village – i.e. in all public spaces even if there are no people around at all. (In 40C heat.) 45,000 regime goons (aka cops) are […]

CO2 = 0.04% of the Atmosphere – It’s All Propaganda for Socialism

COMMENT: If all of these scientists claim that CO2 will fry us in a few years, how can you argue against this 97%? WJ ANSWER: You are buying into an agenda that is really not about climate change/global warming. If you look at NASA’s own site, you will find that CO2 only makes up 0.04% […]