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US v Russia & Ukraine The Real Backdrop

Let’s follow the money. Ever since the United States under the Clintons sanctioned the NY bankers to try to take over Russia with their own puppet, Boris Berezovsky, there has been a direct unspoken World War III that began in the financial markets. I was personally asked to invest $10 billion into Safra & Browder’s […]

Belarus Votes to Change Constitution & Deploy Nuclear Weapons

I do not know what to say anymore. Biden is mentally incompetent to lead the world no less the United States. He could not find a lifejacket on a sinking ship. Belarus has now voted to change its constitution and deploy nuclear weapons. China entered a new arrangement with North Korea and they shot off […]

The Foolishness of Sanctions

  COMMENT: Marty, I can see why you have been an adviser to governments. You said sanctions never work. Biden has come out and admitted they did not prevent anything. Who is making these decisions in governments? The Keystone cops? REPLY: Even in the case of Iran, Erdogan was secretly laundering money for Iran selling gold […]

World War III Beginning Stages Now

I have been warning the West should not mess with Putin. It is so obvious that the West has made the same fatal mistake as that of Rome. It has weakened its economy with COVID and it is so obsessed with trying to force Russia and China to comply with their Climate Change directives set […]

Is Western Press Egging Putin to Fully Invade Ukraine?

One must wonder if the West is intentionally trying to create a full-scale European war. “Putin is furious, he thought that the whole war would be easy and everything would be done in 1-4 days,” tweeted Riho Terras, who is also the former defense chief of NATO member Estonia. They are also claiming that Putin has […]

New Interview – The New World Order Desperate as Plan Falls Apart

Click here to watch Martin Armstrong’s latest interview with Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog. A message from Mr. Hunter: Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong thinks the New World Order’s so-called “Great Reset” plan for humanity is falling apart, and the globalists are becoming increasingly “desperate.” Armstrong explains, “They are basically desperate at […]

Is Schwab Evil?

A number of people have asked why I do not believe that Schwab is evil. What I am saying is he does not think what he is doing is evil. He really believes his deranged economic theories are beneficial. What Schwab has done will unleash evil, but I do not think he intended it that […]

Armstrong v Schwab

While Nigel Farage spoke at our 2019 WEC in Rome, he said he came because our events were the “alternative to Davos.” For years Schwab and I have been on opposite sides of the table. The stark difference between myself and that of Klaus Schwab boils down to the divergence in economics between Adam Smith […]

TICKETS AVAILABLE – New Webinar on the Economic Confidence Model

Due to the high demand and interest surrounding the Economic Confidence Model (ECM) and its history, we are offering a new educational webinar on the Economics Confidence Model (ECM) and the global business cycle. This session is suited for all people interested in the cyclical nature of the global economy. While it is certainly beneficial […]

The West’s Desperate Effort to Switch the Enemy from COVID to Putin

From the outset, my position was that Ukraine should have been split according to language. Borders have been drawn by politicians, and this policy has given us so many problems over the years. It is language and culture that should define a national border. Ukraine is exerting old-world imperialistic philosophy. While Putin ordered Russian troops Monday to “maintain peace” […]