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Global Warming Fascist Movement & Academic Welfare

  Winston Churchill said that “History is written by the victors.” That is so true even among Establishment Academics. Anyone who thinks that Global Warming is really caused by man is naive to say the least. This is a political agenda to raise taxes by politicians and to reduce population growth among academics. What these people have […]

The Rise Against Corruption Is Also Inside USA

  COMMENT: They should title it ….”protesters protest corruption” Of course these small time medias are in the pockets of someone else. REPLY: Sometimes the small media just publishes events because it is news and they do not think about what is behind it. The major networks clean everything. There use to be the Fairness Doctrine, which […]

GDP of Poland & Ukraine – The Numbers Behind the Revolution

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I saw a chart showing Poland’s economy vs Ukraine’s economy since the end of the USSR and it showed that Ukraine’s economy is smaller than 1991. You stated the people of Donetsk have nothing left, but did they have anything to begin with? It seems the Ukraine’s government was destroying everyone’s saving […]

The Death of Representative Government – The Real Conspiracy – Crisis in Democracy

While people contrive secret groups that seek world domination, the real threat we have is directly in front of us – it is Republican Governments that masquerade as Democracies and are as evil as the Roman Republic that caused the civil war. The propaganda against Julius Caesar has survived to this day and has wrongly […]

Geopolitical Chaos

Our Cycle of War has gathered countless emails asking how do we do this. It is hard to describe but everything is absolutely connected. To be correct on markets requires the correct view on so many other aspects. Russia sent planes close to California and Guam just to show the US they can bomb US […]

AI Possibilities – a Bad Hair Day?

QUESTION: Martin, I just read an interesting article by Stephen Hawking extrapolating on both the benefits and dangers of AI. He specifically referenced the dangers by saying “One can imagine such technology outsmarting financial markets, out-inventing human researchers, out-manipulating human leaders, and developing weapons we cannot even understand. Whereas the short-term impact of AI depends on […]

May Day in Turkey – Riots & Tear Gas

BBC is covering the May Day riots in Turkey where tear gas in the weapon of choice for now. If anyone question the rise in trend forecast by our Cycles of War, I do not know what planet they are hiding on.

China & Russia Joining Forces Against USA

China has announced on Wednesday that it would conduct joint naval drills with Russia in the East China Sea off Shanghai in late May. I have stated bluntly, Obama’s Administration has been the worst we have seen certainly in my lifetime. He has torn apart the world and is more concerned about using US power […]

Is a Crash Inevitable? The Spiral Vortex of Debt and Corruption

QUESTION: Hi Marty I am somewhat concerned about the events unfolding in Nevada, the encroaching tyranny and the future. Sometimes you say that everything will collapse in 2016. Does this mean that the government will collapse and thereby lose their ability to reign tyranny down on us, or indeed will it intensify as the government tries […]

Is anything really Random?

QUESTION:  Hi, Are random events truly possible? Doesn’t the connection of events mean that specific events aren’t random? I seem to get randomly selected by government for the same things at a rate that would appear to exceed probability.  Like random jury duty every time I’m eligible for last 30 years. Or random selected audits […]