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Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions & the Economic Confidence Model

QUESTION: Martin, Is there any conceptual common nonlinear resonance ground shared between the ECM and the underlying theory explaining LENR? JAJ ANSWER: Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) are indeed very interesting. I have concluded that whatever process we observe in any area of science will be discovered in all layers. What many consider “cold fusion” may not be […]

Market Manipulation Confusion

QUESTION: You say that long-term manipulations are impossible while short-term manipulations have been the focus of the bankers. Do you mean to say that not even governments can manipulate the economy perpetually? Are central banks buying US equities to manipulate the US stock market higher? It would seem that the Fed would then be accused […]

Interviews & Press

Martin Armstrong’s Media Appearances If you are interested in arranging an interview with Martin Armstrong, please fill out our “Contact” form located on the homepage and select “I have a question about media engagement and/or an interview request.” 2024 Deep State War – Interview with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson (7/18/24) Fall of Dominance and New World […]

The Dow Positioning Itself to Breakout in 2016?

The Dow has been electing Daily Bullish Reversals since the start of October. Given the fact that the DAX did break last year’s low on the ECM target and turned up, we may be looking at the breakout to the upside next year for the phase transition. Our original forecast for the peak in share […]

Merkel May be Forced From Office Over Refugees

Merkel’s refugee policy has really divided Europe, no less her own country. This issue appears staged to bring about her downfall. It was 17 days ahead of the ECM turning point on September 13 (2 x 8.6) when Merkel reimposed border controls; the cornerstone of Europe was to be the freedom of movement. She has […]

Proprietary Trading of Banks Coming to an End?

QUESTION: Marty, I heard that banks are actually shutting down proprietary trading. Is that true? Does that mean the manipulations are coming to an end? Cheers FP ANSWER: Yes. Many banks are getting out of the business entirely, especially the Europeans. They are not even making markets in currency. The fines over short-term manipulations have […]

The Dow & the Future

Yes, there were ONLY two possible patterns (instead of countless): (1) the slingshot where you penetrate the previous year’s low and then blast to new highs, or (2) you base until the Gold Benchmarks and then enter the Phase Transition. Either way, new highs were ahead. There was no indication of a crash to some 50% to 90% […]

Hawaii Separatist Movement – Its Own Country by 2031?

The upcoming election in Hawaii has revealed the rise of a separatist movement that argues that Hawaii is an independent country that has been occupied. Indeed, Hawaii is one of four U.S. states that were actually independent nations before they became states. The others are Vermont, where there is also a separatist movement, along with Texas, and […]

Dow Closing for October 2015

The Dow closed neutral on our indicators for the month-end of October. We have held support below and bumping against resistance. There are only two possible patterns: (1) a slingshot move that penetrates last year’s low and swings to new highs in a blast to the upside, or (2) we simply base and then enter […]

Coffee: The Brain Food

Here is the design for this year’s conference cup for those who have a collection. Everyone always seems to be surprised that I drink coffee all day — four Starbucks venti cups is a normal day, and sometimes I go up to six. Everyone has been shocked at how much coffee I drink. But that […]