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Market Talk – May 20, 2020

ASIA: China has expressed its “strong indignation” after the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, sent a message hailing the re-elected Taiwanese president’s “courage and vision” to be read at her inauguration ceremony. China’s foreign ministry said Pompeo’s act had severely damaged peace and stability in the strait between Taiwan and China. It warned it […]

Market Talk – May 13, 2020

ASIA: China has warned the US that stopping US government’s main pension fund from investing in Chinese equities will only hurt US investors. Trump administration officials linked the action to the coronavirus pandemic, which the US and Chinese governments have blamed on each other in increasingly bitter exchanges. The US Department of Homeland Security and […]

Market Talk – April 15, 2020

ASIA: India laid out plans for the gradual reopening of its economy that will permit some manufacturing, agricultural work, and other activities to resume on a limited basis after April 20, provided they are not in designated coronavirus hotspots. India’s top-down approach to implementing the initial countrywide lockdown was critical in slowing the rapid spread […]

Market Talk – April 14, 2020

ASIA: India has extended its national lockdown until May 3, 2020. Prime Minister Modi announced this decision today in a televised address to the nation. After April 20, some states that have avoided outbreaks may be allowed to resume. The country has at least 10,363 reported cases, including 339 deaths, according to the Ministry of […]

How Journalists Are Destroying Their Own Jobs

  This is clearly political. The numbers just do not support this panic they are less than the annual flu. Granted, they are rising now, but that is because of the massive fraud going on thanks to the American Medical Association. You would think the death rate is 50% like the Black Plague. Every news […]

China v Gates – Spinning the Conspiracies

There are two schools of thought running around. One blames China for experimenting with Bat Viruses and insist that this was not intentional, but a leak from the Wuhan Lab because of a lack of security. There are some who want to file lawsuits against China in the USA, Britain, and India for damages. Xi […]

Why the Quantity Theory of Money will Fail ONCE Again

  QUESTION: Your explanation of why increasing the quantity of money has failed seems to be the only explanation that is viable. Do you see the same outcome this time around? PA ANSWER: The academics assume we are morons. There is no comprehension of how human nature responds. Hoards of debased coins are found from […]

Is the Fed Public or Private?

The people who love to weave conspiracy theories about the Fed are twisting the fact that the Fed’s design from the outset was to be a private organization. The banks were the shareholders BECAUSE it was to be a bailout system for them as J.P. Morgan had acted during the Panic of 1907. The banks […]

Italy To Put up All Government Buildings as Collateral for Loans?

Europe is the epic center of our economic doom. Their socialistic polices have been following Marx since Word War II. They have used the Quantity Theory of Money and took interest rates negative in 2014 and have been unable to stimulate their economies because they tax the “rich” which has done nothing but impoverish the […]

Is Trump Nationalizing the Fed?

Here we go with the same old hypothesis over the Quantity Theory of Money that Trump is (1) nationalizing the Fed, (2) the Fed’s actions are worse than the virus, and (3) Forbes proclaims that the Trump & the Fed are destroying the dollar. It is really fascinating how these propositions running around are not […]