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Illinois to Impose 1% Property Tax on Top of Everything Annually for 30 Years

  In Illinois is a State that should just commit suicide and be emerged into surrounding states. It is following the EXACT pattern as the fall of the city of Rome itself. Constantine the Great moved the Roman capital from Rome to Constantinople around 330AD. Rome lost its status as corruption and taxes rose. More and […]

Can We Just Use Cryptocurrencies, stop Bank Lending & end Central Banks & Survive?

QUESTION: Socrates did an amazing job. It called the high in BitCoin right to the day. That makes me wonder. After thinking quietly about the claim that cryptocurrencies will replace everything as a new world monetary system because it will not be centralized and created by a central bank, this seems to be complete BS if […]

Spintriae – Roman Prostitute Tokens

  The Lost City of Pompeii preserved an affluent city which included everything from shops, fast food, bankers, and of course what they call the oldest profession in recorded history – prostitution. In the year 79 AD, Italy’s Mt. Vesuvius erupted with superheated ash that rained fiery death upon the people of the city. In the process, […]

Argentina Raises Interest Rates to Support Currency

  Argentina has just raised interest rates to 40% trying to support the currency. I have explained many times that interest rates follow a BELL-CURVE and by no means are they linear. This is one of the huge problems behind attempts by central banks to manipulate the economy by impacting demand-side economics. Raising interest rates […]

Cologne Institute of German Business Warns of Deposit Protection May Not Survive in Europe

The Cologne Institute of German Business sees in the planned European deposit insurance is simply incapable of proving protection against a bank crash in Europe. The EU deposit guarantee is simply not practical under any concept of austerity. The Eurozone still has inherent significant risks in the balance sheets of European financial institutions. This is […]

Money Supply of Rome & Traditions

QUESTION: I found your article on the theory of money supply is not the source of inflation very fascinating. I was taken back by the fact that there were moneyers who signed the coins for their term each year as we still do today. Are there any other traditions from Rome that we still maintain with […]

Agriculture & Global Cooling

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Are you familiar with Professor Easterbrook of Western Washington University who agrees with you and is projecting a decline in temperatures for the next three decades? It seems that those who simply claim that it has been getting warmer live in a bubble of biased news. One even said to me that it […]

Interest Expenditures Will Now Exceed Military Spending – We are being Walled-In by our Own Debt

I have been warning for years at the World Economic Conferences that interest expenditures will reach the point that they will crowd out everything else. Well at last, as we enter 2019 and the War Cycle heats up, interest expenditures will now EXCEED even military spending. Welcome to the SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS. I have also […]

The Sovereign Debt Crisis has Spread to 119 Countries

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; For the past two WEC events you have warned that the Sovereign Debt Crisis will strike first outside the USA and the rise in the dollar and US interest rates will push emerging markets into default. Since you also said that pension funds had rushed into emerging market debt to get higher […]

Cycle of Religion – Detailed

COMMENT:  In your blog on the cycles in religion, you may want to add some more dimensions: (1) Hindu worldview is cyclical over a vast cosmological timescale and then through a fractal (as above so below) astrological philosophy of action there appears an a-causal (synchronistic) relationship between cosmic, global and local possibilities for events which […]