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Why Cash Remains KING – Q&A

QUESTION #1: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I’ve been following your blog for quite a while, and have a Basic subscription to Socrates. Wish I could have been able to attend a WEC, but so far that’s not been possible. Also wish I understood everything in Socrates so much better, but my old brain isn’t what it used […]

Gate’s Contraceptive Microchip to be Implanted into Women

  Bill Gates to me is highly inconsistent. He is a huge supporter of Climate Change and has done his TED Talks on lowering CO2 to Zero. Of course, the Climate Change contingent is all about reducing the population which is now about 7.5 billion and Gates laments it will hit 9 billion. So for […]

Liberty Once Lost is Lost Forever Without Political Change

COMMENT: Martin: Your blog about the press destroying their own jobs and the last paragraph describing what may happen if this lockdown isn’t lifted before May 1st the models warn of a 13 year decline into 2032. That appears to be inevitable based upon the ECM and capital flow moving into the private sector. Not […]

The Propaganda & China

COMMENT: RE China analysis Marty, It is so clear to me that you have not been exposed to the changing workforce and have always worked for yourself. How did I get laid off so many times? Jobs sent to China. We have been in an economic war with China for at least 2 decades with […]

The Crisis in Agriculture

What is taking place in agriculture as a direct result of this contrived virus pandemic is beyond contemplation. The agriculture industry can provide some insight on what’s going on. Wheat has rallied to 5870 during March, just poking through the broad uptrend channel from the Great Depression. There is a major crisis unfolding, in part, […]

Value of a Currency

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, You have said that money is not gold, or silver, or oil, or fiat currency, but rather represents the collective elbow grease and ingenuity of a people. From the work of Socrates, which country or countries best typify this concept and therefore will become the better countries to live in, so […]

The Euro & Digitizing the Currency

QUESTION: Marty, for the people within the EU it is absolutely critical to know what will happen when they go digital! Will there be a currency devaluation for bank deposits and cash? And when is the most likely time for that transformation from cash-to-digital? If there is a devaluation it would make absolute sense to […]

Unprecedented Power Grab

  We are living not just in interesting times, we are living in UNPRECEDENTED TIMES, which has raised the stakes profoundly toward civil war. You have to wonder if someone like Bill Gates is really stupid with respect to economics, or is he deliberately trying to further the same agenda he supported for Climate Change […]

Shutting Down the Global Postal System

COMMENT: Dear Martin, your public and private blog is the first I read every morning, it is my briefing. I received this email today (31.03.2020) from a friend living in Switzerland about sending me a package via normal mail … “this morning, I wanted to ship xxxxx and xxxxx to Greece, and as long as […]

Is Commercial Real Estate in Trouble?

COMMENT: Dear Marty, I am located in the intermountain west where many national tech companies are re-locating. We are referred to as “Silicon Slopes” of the west. Since Covid-19 came to light and we have essentially a “stay at home” and work policy here in Utah, all the new beautiful office buildings packed with tech […]