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May – Tis the Season for Protests in Europe

The May protests in Europe are going by the slogan “fight against the king in Brussels”. Politicians are clueless. All they see is retaining their jobs at the expense of society and everything within it. There is no thinking out of the box. If they do not blink, they are risking the collapse of Europe […]

How Europe Fails

Ever since the ECB issued a report that claims the south was richer than the north to get out of bailing them out, the reaction behind the curtain is very interesting. The talk in the south is now to demand reparations from Germany for World War II. What goes around comes around. There cannot be […]

Italy Turns Anti-Austerity & European Chaos Fills the Air

In Italy, the new government was sworn in as a pseudo-anti-austerity government which has the blessings of Berlusconi. There was an attempted assassination of politicians by an unemployed Talian, not that he was for austerity, but rather just against politicians. This is the rising trend that is starting to bubble beneath the surface. The ECB […]

Europe Considering Mandatory 15% of Wages To be Taken For Pensions

There will be no HYPERINFLATION. That assumes government sits on their hands and blindly just prints to try to please everyone. They are by NO MEANS nice people. This is about them maintaining power. They put the Euro to a vote, got it, the people will NEVER be allowed to ever vote again. The European […]

Europe To Begin Capital Controls Soon

One of the solid rumors behind the curtain that has sparked even movement of gold supplies as some are now leaving for even Asia, is Europe is moving toward global taxation and is starting a “money laundering” investigation, which means simply people who they think owe taxes. We will begin to see new parties start […]

Gold Inventories Shifting to Europe

Gold has been on the move to Europe causing the COMEX inventory to decline. While the inventory level is one thing the market manipulators play with to get everyone excited, it is normally associated with manipulation attempts and changes in real actual trends. The Buffett Silver Rally was touted the same way. He bought silver […]

European/US Free Trade Agreement

The only lesson politicians learned from the Great Depression was the benefits of free trade. Following President Obama’s State of the Union, the United States and the European Union announced their intentions to begin negotiations on the US-EU trade agreement. Yet at the same time, they are tracking every penny moving out of the country […]

Euro Closed 12994

The Euro closed at 5PM NY Time at 12994 2 ticks below the closing resistance target of 12996. The Euro will find resistance at 13007 early next week with support at 12845. Initial support will be at 12954 level where we should see the Euro retest. Nevertheless, a high the week of 4/15 still suggests […]


Resistance for next week will be at the 13007 level. If we close below that today, the Euro will retest the mid 12900 area then move up into the week of 4/15. A close ABOVE 13007 on cash in New York will warn that the rally in the Euro may lead with stops and 13007 […]

China’s External Debt in Euros Drops to below 7%

In terms of currency structure, China’s debt in U.S. dollars accounted for 77.83 percent of the outstanding registered external debt. Debt in euros accounted for 6.58 percent, while debt in Japanese yen was 7.37 percent.