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Economic Decline Returning Marriage to Historical Norms

The Hollywood ideas of love at first sight have been also fading as marriage is starting to turn back to its historical roots. The birth of contracts and pensions took place with the marriage contract that was a REAL contract. Men were required to establish themselves FIRST before taking on a bride. If a man […]

Swiss Restrict Construction of 2nd Homes for Rentals

Switzerland is restricting the construction of second homes that have been the source of rentals for vacations. This will actually firm up prices by restricting new construction. Swiss real estate still appears to be one of the brighter spots in Europe.

Snowden’s Rude Awakening – USA Does Control Most of the World

Edward Snowden has made a public statement to the China Post. “I am not here to hide from justice; I am here to reveal criminality,” “My intention is to ask the courts and people of Hong Kong to decide my fate. I have been given no reason to doubt your system.” It is a […]

Greece Shuts Down TV News

Civil Unrest has been what our model was forecasting. What is happening everywhere is just amazing. Government is so out of control and all this is about is holding on to the reins of power. They have totally forgotten what “free” societies even were supposed to be, In Turkey we have massive riots against the […]

The Future of the World Economy – Les misérables

Germany’s constitutional court has begun its hearing over the legality of the European Central Bank’s bond buying program today. The German high court is not the political football we have for a judiciary in the USA. They are rather independent. The head of the court said the success of the program wouldn’t be relevant for “Otherwise, the […]

NSA Surveillance – No Longer a Conspiracy Theory

The NSA is storing absolutely everything. Every time you type a search into Google, the NSA knows. This is what the storage in Utah is all about. If you would like to see our old site from 1999 just click here and enter There is an archive of the entire web year by year. […]

Civil Unrest Rising in Germany

In Germany, violent clashes with police have emerged as protesters against the policies of the ECB have erupted. The politicians cannot see what they are doing. By authorizing the reestablishment of borders, then precisely what is left of the whole idea of the Euro other than to save money on exchange fees with one currency. […]

EU Moving LIBOR to Paris

  Bank of France EU Commission is preparing to move the Libor rate fixing from the UK regulatory system to Paris where the EU Commission can control the free markets. This clearly is a blow to British influence, but the EU also feels Britain could leave the EU and is not part of the Euro. […]

Unemployment Benefits Cut – Part of Deflation

This is how Deflation operates. The budget cuts are impacting the unemployment benefits which have been cut to the states and how they pass that on will vary. Nevertheless, when the economy turns down after 2015.75 and unemployment continues to rise thanks to cutting mainly state and local government jobs, we begin to create the […]

Dow Jones Industrials – Recap

So far the Dow has rallied 27 weeks on an intraday basis establishing the high on target for the week of 05/20, but on a weekly closing, the high was the previous week 05/13 making it a perfect 26 week rally.The week of 05/27 closed slightly beneath the week of 05/20 confirming technically we should […]