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Money & The Two-Tier Digital Monetary System

The Gold Promoters have so poisoned the well with nonsense that has been tried countless times before and failed, that their insistence upon tangible money is seriously disrupting the ultimate resolution of our critical economic illness. I have explained that even making money gold coins will not prevent it from being a fiat currency. Coinage […]

Paper v Physical

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Almost daily one reads from the gold media about the discrepancy between paper and physical gold. The gold bugs make their case by saying, that despite the weak price of paper gold, the demand for physical gold has never been better. To me it is just a bunch of hooey. If […]

Manipulating Markets

I get a lot of questions regarding to what extent can the Club manipulate markets? Ironically, the more open a market including futures, the less ability their ability to manipulate even for brief periods. Preventing or limiting markets from trading devolves a market into a corner where it can be controlled. There will always be […]

Unfunded Pensions Are Our Doom

The standard pension systems of governments from Europe to the States are all the same. They have assumed that taxes would be an endless pit. They have promised pensions to people and never funded them. Anyone in the private sector would go to jail for creating such schemes. Historically, the people rise up when they […]

Swiss Democracy – Very Interesting

In Switzerland, many issues go directly to the people to vote on. Unfortunately, not everything. The Swiss bureaucrats themselves destroyed the Swiss banking system by agreeing to draw the line at 2008 for any liability a bank might have to the US government for an account an American might have had. The value of Swiss […]

The Internal Battle Within Ukraine – Strategically Quite Important

There is an internal struggle in Ukraine that is tearing the nation in two manifest in its capital at Kiev. The struggle tends to be between the East and West.  Ukraine was actually Europe’s second largest country during the twentieth century, occupies 232,200 square miles (603,700 square kilometers). There is a battle going on inside Ukraine […]

Iran Nuclear Deal or Calm Before the Storm?

I previously warned that the Syrian issue being propelled by Saudi Arabia all over getting their pipeline through Syria to Turkey for Europe, was placing at risk a real game-changer in negotiations with Iran. In the June elections, there was a major shift that moved the political wind in Tehran. President Hassan Rouhani won the election in […]

CONFIDENCE in the Economy is Changing From Public to Private

QUESTION: From reading your blog, my understanding of your view is that all relationships are in flux with respect to markets and market drivers, except for confidence.  For example, the stock/bond relationship can change over time, so stocks do not ultimately go up or down based on what bonds do but based on where confidence […]

Breakup of Great Britain – 309 Year Cycle

  Medal of Queen Ann Celebrating the Union of England and Scotland 1707 QUESTION:  Dear Mr Armstrong, It’s great to read you blog and get an insight as to the way the world is heading and why. One thing I noticed was your 309 year cycle and wondered if that would have any reflection on […]

Capital Flows & Currency Flows

QUESTION: A number or people have asked where to get capital and currency flow data. ANSWER: The capital flows you can obtain from OECD. You have to take the Capital Account and Current Account. We get the raw data that is faster. The Capital Account reflects capital inflows typically for investment, stocks, bonds, real estate, […]