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China Factory Index Declines

The deflationary mode of the world economy is still brewing. We have Europe turning negative and that is impacting China as well. Many areas will be negative into 2020 on a global scale.

Flash Crash & No Bids – Just Normal Stuff

  JP Morgan, Jr Senate Hearing 1933 A Flash Crash in silver is no different than a flash crash in stocks, bonds, or anything else. It is the same root cause of all panics – the lack of bids. Every  stock market crash ever since 1907 has been followed by an investigation with the theory that […]

Long Live the Dollar

If anyone wants to know why the dollar will soar to new highs, just stop and look at Europe. The gold promoters will claim the bank crisis will make gold soar. But the dollar will soar. France is out to shut down gold sales and has outlawed buying or selling gold for cash. They are […]

Real Estate & Currency

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, Re: Is Japan Real Estate a Taboo subject? Thanks for all your writings – FANTASTIC. Spot on with the DOW & gold. What inspiration and enlightenment. As they say down under – you are a living legend mate! Out of pure interest only, I was wondering if you could do a blog […]

Sorry – No Conflict of Interest

The people preaching the nonsense about gold far too often have a self-interest. That is no different than expecting trading with a New York Bank that they have your best interest at heart. Come on. Look at the Press Reviews of Greg Smith’s book. You will see numerous reviews defending Goldman Sachs. Right! What Smith wrote about […]

The British Pound

QUESTION: I remember your forecast that the pound would fall to par back in 1983. I thought you were mad, whilst something inside me captured my attention. When our beloved pound fell to par, I attended every one of your London seminars after 1985. You have my attention. When you say the dollar can go […]

Global Recap

Three regional Federal Reserve officials have called on the central bank to stop buying mortgage-backed bonds, citing the recent improvement in the U.S. housing market. Indeed, the US economy has improved and the rise in the stock market has the talking head talking to themselves in disbelief. The 800 pound monkey remains the German elections […]

When the Fundamentals are Confusing

Thank you for all the fan mail on the Dow to offset the hate mail on the metals. The objective is to expose the real world we live in and how domestic policy objectives are really held hostage to international capital flows. We are really trying hard to get everything up and running ASAP. Many […]

Migration to Germany

Politicians just do not understand that you cannot just write laws and expect everyone to follow. They are just so ignorant of the consequences of their actions. I reported how a major number of people were migrating to Germany for the social benefits. As they screw the rest of Europe, they forgot – they established […]

Trying To Trade

Because governments are trying to hunt down the “rich” in their desperate move for money, they are really destroying the world economy. A European cannot open an account at Merrill Lynch with a broker he personally knows in the USA. Any foreign customer must trade exclusively through their “international” desk. Why? So they can report on whatever […]