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Real Estate Outside USA

  JAKARTA QUESTION: Marty, Many thanks for your fantastic website and daily insights to how the world really works. You are very good at making the muddy waters of economics crystal clear. In the downturn after 2015 will Asia slow as much as the west? I live in Indonesia. Property prices in Jakarta have almost tripled […]

Real Estate – Collapse or Liquidity Crisis 2015.75-2020.05

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for all the information you provide on your blog. Looking at a chart you posted on the real estate cycle shows the peak in 2007 then a drop and a bit of a rebound into 2015, followed by a huge drop afterwards.  Am I correct in believing we will see real […]

Negative Interest Rates – Coming Soon to a Bank Near You

The ECB (European Central Bank) has announced it is now considering moving interest rates to negative. So those who wanted to know did Larry Summers’ speech have any impact – the answer was yes. This has been floated around behind the curtain. I have been asked about this increasingly over the last 6 months all […]

Hyperinflation Definition

QUESTION: It seems some people play with the definition of hyperinflation and try to claim that is just 25% or more. This just does not seem right. Can you elaborate? ANSWER: Real hyperinflation is in the thousands of percent, We saw inflation hit 25% numerous times including going into 1980. The dollar did not die. […]

Capital Flows – The Key to Everything

QUESTION: HI Marty In your blog on Computer Intelligence you said “currency movement reflects the capital flows.” If the AI is attempting to predict the collapse of a currency, how does it pick this up from currency movements? Wouldnt the collapse in the currency occur first, before the computer can factor that movement in to […]

Death Always Creeps in From the Periphery of an Organism

QUESTION: Hi Marty, It seems that one can look at the periphery of an organism and it highlights its future. The sub-prime mortgage crisis that preceded the Global Financial Crisis being a case-in-point. And, dare I say it, Greece preceding what is to come in Europe. This made me wonder if the Chernobyl-like decay of […]

The Tree has been Cut – Electronic Money Will Force an Underground Economy based on Barter

QUESTION:  Martin, I’m trying to wrap my head around a couple of things… One of your recent blog entries mentioned, “The role of the metals will be as an alternative currency to ELECTRONIC when they terminate “printing” paper money,” and “The only real role for gold will be as an alternative currency not to the […]

Computer Intelligence – Judging People

QUESTION: Martin, I am absolutely fascinated with the work that you have done in the field of computers.  I am in “Business Intelligence” and we have a difficult enough time trying to forecast demand for products.   Your work and foresights are astonishing.  I could only wish that I could sit under your training for a month!  […]

The Bitcoin Hearing

The Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Tom Carper gathered a witness list for the hearing that went on for several hours that was a chain of people who reflect the new attitude within the Bureaucracy that lies beneath the surface. The list included: The Homeland Security committee Criminal Division of […]

Can Rates Rise in Deflation?

QUESTION: Hi Marty Can interest rates go higher during a deflationary period. You mentioned in your posts, deflation is gripping Europe and im assuming the same for Asia. Once velocity falls and growth rates contract, is there a possibility of rates going higher, because of taxation and investor demand for higher yields? Thanks ANSWER: Yes. It […]