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Knife Control: When You Can’t Impose Gun Control Because There Are No Guns

In Britain where citizens do not have the right to have a gun, violence still takes place using older methods, such as knives. Now, they are asking people to surrender their knives. Next comes sticks and stones. Some people will be violent no matter what weapon they can muster.

ECB & Troika Retaliate Against Greek People

Some readers sent in comments that my use of the phrase “World War III by economic means using the pen” was harsh, so let me state this very clearly. Brussels and the Troika will NEVER back down. To them, the euro is irreversible and they refuse to see that their policies are dead wrong. Proof that this […]

Market Talk

The people we have been speaking to in Greece are confused and puzzled as to what will happen next and are anxious to see how things play out over the next couple of days. That said, the morning after feeling is one of great pride and determination to face what comes their way. Contrary to popular messages, […]

There is Only One Way Out For Greece

Brussels has been dead wrong. The stupid idea that the euro will bring stability and peace, as it was sold from the outset, has migrated to European domination as if this were “Game of Thrones”. Those in power have misread history, almost at every possible level. The assumption that the D-marks’ strength was a good […]

The Euro Crisis Will Not End Until this Line of Thinking Changes

Luis de Guindos, Spain’s economic minister, illustrates that those in European government remain clueless. He said that Greece should remain part of the Eurozone and the euro. He bluntly stated what Mario Draghi said before – the Euro is irreversible. Without the euro, Brussels fails. The idea of federalizing Europe crashes and burns. Luis de Guindos said […]

The Audacity of Lagarde – Exempt From Taxes

The audacity of Christine Lagarde, who insulted the Greeks by categorizing the whole nation as tax cheats, is up there with Trump calling all Mexicans drug dealers. Lagarde said the problem was “all these people in Greece who are trying to escape tax”. This is up there with some of the most racist statements about Jews, […]

Greece & Brussels’ Quest to Dominate Europe

QUESTION: Marty, I want to say congratulations. You stood up there in Berlin in 2012 and said the Euro-Swiss peg would break and that Greece would ultimately leave the euro. I can’t wait for this year’s Berlin conference. Wonder if the central bank of _________ will attend again? I suspect that Brussels will not back […]

Rigging the Greek Elections

A lot of younger Greek citizens who would vote NO cannot for to vote they must return to their hometown. So many cannot vote because they are lucky enough to be working or through necessity are living abroad and are not able to return to their homes. This is one regulation to prevent the NO vote from materializing. There […]

The Greek Referendum

Voting today began at 7 AM local time in Greece and will continue until 9 PM. The polls show a virtually even split. We are likely going to see civil war unfold in Greece if this is a YES vote, for the youth will have absolutely no future under the oppression of Brussels and those who think […]

Athens: The Prelude to Freedom or Perpetual Economic Servitude?

The reading from our staff on the grounds in Athens seems to be 50/50 right now, but the NO vote appears to be more organized with booths and stalls setup everywhere. A NO vote is the ONLY way forward for Greece. What they must be mindful of is that Brussels will have its talons firmly embedded in the count. It is […]