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Maastricht Treaty TITLE III

  TITLE III PROVISIONS AMENDING THE TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN COAL AND STEEL COMMUNITY   ARTICLE H The Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community shall be amended in accordance with the provisions of this Article.   1) Article 7 shall be replaced by the following: “ARTICLE 7 The institutions of the Community shall […]

Maastricht Treaty TITLE II (Part II)

  TITLE II (Part II) PROVISIONS AMENDING THE TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY WITH A VIEW TO ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY ARTICLE 109k 1. If the decision has been taken to set the date in accordance with Article 109j(3), the Council shall, on the basis of its recommendation referred to in Article 109j(2), acting […]

Maastricht Treaty TITLE II (Part I)

  TITLE II (Part I) PROVISIONS AMENDING THE TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY WITH A VIEW TO ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY ARTICLE G The Treaty establishing the European Economic Community shall be amended in accordance with the provisions of this Article, in order to establish a European Community. A. Throughout the Treaty: 1) The […]

Maastricht Treaty TITLE 1

TITLE 1 COMMON PROVISIONS ARTICLE A By this Treaty, the High Contracting Parties establish among themselves a European Union, hereinafter called “the Union”. This Treaty marks a new stage in the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe, in which decisions are taken as closely as possible to the citizen. […]

EMU Introduction

EMU Introduction May 5th, 1997   European Monetary Union 1997 is a critical year for EMU, as the economic performance in 1997 will determine which countries join EMU in January 1999. The financial markets still have not quite come to terms with all the details of EMU nor does it realize that this union is […]

Maastricht Treaty

Maastricht Treaty The following documents represent the full text of the Maastricht Treaty itself. They are provided here in HTML format for your reference. Introduction Title 1 Title 2 (Part I) Title 2 (Part II) Title 3 Title 4 Title 5 Title 6 Title 7 Final Act Protocols © Princeton Economic Institute

EMU Updates

EMU Update, by Harry Groenert (12/97) Understanding the Euro, by Martin A. Armstrong (10/97) The Whirlpools of Union, by Bruce Allen (09/97) EMU – Days to Go!,by Bruce Allen (08/97) EMU Germany Update, by Harry Groenert (06/97) United We Stand/Together we Fall,by Bruce Allen (06/97) EMU – Update,by Martin A. Armstrong (05/97) Monetary Union Part II, […]

EMU Country Analysis

EMU Country Analysis Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden United Kingdom © Princeton Economic Institute

Maastricht Treaty – Time Table

Maastricht Treaty – Time Table    EMU Timetable 1997 January 1 Preparation of legal framework for European Central Bank, European System of Central Banks and the Euro Dutch assume EU presidency April Probable UK General Election Jul 1 Luxembourg’s presidency begins December Latest possible date for Irish General Election Year End Decision on EMU Start […]

United Kingdom EMU

Country Analysis United Kingdom The probability of the United Kingdom joining EMU at the start date is very high! The political shift from conservative to Labour in Britain has suddenly changed the course of the nation. The new Prime Minister, Tony Blair, will be up for the post of head of the EC in 1998. […]