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Happy Revolution Day – the Rebellion Against the Monarchy

The 4th of July was indeed a major event for it set in motion the rebellion against a corrupt form of government (then known as monarchy) which was dominated by unelected bureaucrats. The American Revolution set off a contagion that manifested in Europe with the French Revolution beginning on the July 14, 1789. The first inauguration of George […]

Russia Reinterprets the Legality of the Break up of the Soviet Union

Crafting laws where you can check-in but never leave seems to be what’s good for Europe, and Russia has taken note. This is the problem with law. It can be reinterpreted constantly and twisted on the head-of-a-pin to mean whatever needs to accomplish at the moment. Now in Russia, the chief prosecutor’s office is examining […]

A Reality Check: Time & Circumstance

We need to move one step forward in the social-political evolution process toward a world that functions in another and wiser manner, with even perhaps a more mystical concept of who we are. Our political leaders patronize us for our incompetence in staying focused on what they do; content to be ruled always to our […]

Cyprus – Greece – Whose Next?

The Sovereign Debt Crisis began with Greece asking for help from the IMF to the day of pi from the peak in the ECM 2007.15. The EU then crushed Cyprus to see how they could get away with not paying people or honoring their debts. The Cyprus experiment was the start of the bail-in that is now […]

Market Talk

As you would expect ahead of July 4th weekend, volumes were a fraction of their norm – as if they were not poor enough! Asian equities were the early talk today and the possible investigation into the recent wild volatility of the Shanghai (SHCOMP) equity market – today closing down almost 6%. An interesting point of fact […]

Merkel’s Amnesia: What Goes Around Does Not Always Come Around

Merkel is obsessed with the German hyperinflation (which leads to demands for austerity) and assumes that her personal promise that Greece will be made to pay back any bailout, shows that she places her personal career above the variability of Europe and her own nation. Her stubbornness concerning Greece is placing the entire world at […]

EU Openly Wants to Overthrow the Greek Government

The Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten is reporting that the head of the EU and Merkel are now openly calling for the overthrow of the Greek government. It is their way or no way. To defend a failed euro, they will not tolerate any democratic process that disagrees with their vision of a federalized Europe. This is World War […]

Happy Independence Day to Our Canadian Readers

Sorry for being late – my bad. This is actually an important Independence Day for you. True, it was originally the Dominion Day on July 1, 1867 that was the enactment of the British North America Act in 1867 (today it is called the Constitution Act, 1867). That merged the three possessions of New Brunswick, Nova […]

There is No Hope of Stopping the Crisis in Europe

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; A friend works for a ….. Hedge Fund. He said you could put together a team to save Europe. Would you take up such a challenge? Thank you for telling it the way it is. OD ANSWER: In theory, yes, we could put together a team of people from the real world to […]

IMF Numbers Warn the Troika Has Destroyed the Greek Economy

The IMF on Thursday issued its own analysis on the Greek economy. The new debt forecast numbers have been raised in recent months and while the IMF analysis is never on point (way too optimistic), this tends to make the new number even more shocking. The entire idea of lending more and more money and […]