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Bureaucrats Destroying the World – The Expat Experience

COMMENT:  The diminishing (non-existent ?) possibilities for Americans to invest outside the US is not just in Europe.  I don’t live in the US but have a US passport and after a recent sale of a property, I was looking into diversifying the proceeds with investments in different countries around the world.  I was turned […]

The Man who may have Saved the World – Survival-of-the-Fittest v Civilization

The man who may have saved the world is Stanislav Petrov who was one of those bureaucrats who received a report that the US had launched nuclear missiles on a first strike to Russia. Normally, he should have reported the attack to his superiors but did not perhaps on a gut feeling it was a computer […]

Bureaucrats Destroying the World

Bureaucrats are the ones really behind the scenes that control the economic events. The idea that we actually have a democracy is truly just propaganda. A democracy is where you vote on each issue. Many states have such things in place at least partially as various propositions are submitted to the people in California. We […]

So What Does the Future Hold?

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, In your last post you say that sovereign debt crisis may be postponed for 8.6 years.  Would this delay the phase transition in the Dow and other US share markets.  Thank you for your posts, me and others I talk to read your blog everyday. Sincerely, JD ANSWER: Any postponement in the […]

Gold & Monetary Expansion

The gold price has continued to drift lower as the no-taper rally of a week ago quickly fading into a distant memory. Whether the US Federal Reserve continues its economic stimulus program unchanged adding $85 billion a month, is really irrelevant. The Fed’s balance sheet will only hit the $4 trillion mark by the end of the […]

The IRS – Destroying Global Economy

I reported that the object of the IRS is now to regulate accountants doing your taxes. The real idea is to expand the Draconian measures that any foreign bank that does not report what Americans are doing will be subject to have their assets confiscated in the USA. This has resulted in throwing out Americans […]

Switzerland the Exception?

QUESTION: Except in Switzerland, unemployment rate is at a low 3% despite the high costs. ANSWER: Why? Capital INFLOWS. Switzerland is the #1 place to live and it is outside of EU and USA. There is concern that so many Europeans are trying to get in and this drives up inflation because they increase the […]

NSA Has Undermined the World Economy

Snowden deserves the Medal of Honor because the NSA in their greed to be able to hack everyone, has undermined the entire economy globally. They created intentional weak links in security software that they could break and placed at risk the entire world economy because they were too stupid to realize that leaving back-doors open […]

deja vu – Austria All Over Again

The bank that failed and began a run that resulted in the collapse of Europe debt markets back in the Great Depression was Credit Anstalt in 1931. The Rothschilds were part owners so the news was quite devastating. Here we are again with the Austrian banks in trouble and the next crisis to emerge may […]

There is No Going Back – NSA is here to Endure

The NSA has become the American Stasi equivalent to the Ministry for State Security (German: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, MfS). The NSA is very much the modern Staatssicherheit, literally collecting data from all of the cloud providers such as Google, Facebook, Apple and Yahoo, etc. The NSA is now involved in partnerships with all the major telcos […]