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Professional Analysis vs. a Fool’s Game

The way people try to judge one analyst against another is like saying, “Oh, he is right and someone else is wrong.” That is unprofessional because OPINION is irrelevant and NO ONE can be correct all the time. It is humanly impossible to forecast the future based upon what someone “thinks” will or will not happen. As soon as anyone tries […]

Greek Referendum is a Vote on Grexit

Brussel’s worst nightmare is coming true. The one thing the Troika has fought so hard to do is kill any democratic vote on the euro by the people in every country. This is not about the terms of austerity, which they still cannot understand is DEFLATIONARY and supports debt holders at the expense of society because politicians borrow forever, […]

World in Review: The Greek Tragedy Continues to Set the Tone

  The Greek drama of Greek Tragedy continues with a rumored agreement to continue the stimulus in return for promised reforms, only to have Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announce a surprise referendum on July 5 after June 30, which puts the IMF payment into default. Late last week EurAsia group’s Ian Bremmer remained confident […]

EU Banning Selfies Under Copyright of Architect?

Remembrance photos in front of the Reichstag or other famous buildings in Europe may be banned in the future. The European Parliament will vote on the abolition of the so-called panorama freedom. Thus, a Facebook publication of vacation pictures with buildings in the background would be allowed only with the permission of the architect. So under their insane […]

Clarifying the Euro

It appears that a June closing on cash below 11095 in the euro will reflect Grexit. A month-end closing for June below 10520 level will be very bearish short-term. However, keep in mind that the major Bearish Reversal lies down at the 10335 level. Therefore, only a monthly closing BELOW 10335 will CONFIRM the 11500 […]

Greek Parliament Approves July 5th Referendum

Greece’s parliament voted early Sunday in favor of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ motion to hold a July 5th referendum on creditor proposals for reforms in exchange for loans, with the country’s future in the Eurozone/Euroland looking increasingly questionable. The greatest problem is that the share market is showing that exiting the euro will be the […]

Greek Bank Run Begins

The BBC is reporting that the Greece debt crisis is now leading to a Greek bank run as people clamor to hoard cash in the face of the Eurozone refusing any bailout extension. This is the typical human response in the face of uncertainty. Greece can pull out of this if they comprehend what really […]

Greece Wakes Up – It is About Democracy

The Eurozone, or Euroland, is now getting ready to deal with a Greek debt default next week after refusing to extend credit following Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ surprise announcement of a referendum on an offer from creditors that the people in any real democracy should have a right to vote on. Brussels prefers dictatorship and […]

Myth of Common Law Marriage

While the number of people living together without getting married has nearly doubled since 1981 due to a fear of the legal obligations of marriage, there remains a common misperception that if you live together for a certain length of time (seven years is what many people seem to believe), you are magically in a […]

Supreme Court Upholds Same Sex Marriage

There is probably no other decision that could stir the fires in the Republican Party to further the SPLIT than this decision, despite the fact that it is legally correct. You cannot deny gays equal rights without surrendering your own, for that is how the law really works. If you say a black cannot vote, then that […]