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Some readers have asked questions in regard to the popular conspiracy stuff about various notorious groups and why I disagree with such CONSPIRACY theories. My point is this. IF THEY WERE truly in control, they would NEVER have cared about me. When there is a crisis, I am the one that gets called in. WHY? […]

Can we Blink Before a Dark Age

QUESTION: Hello Martin: Thanks for the posts – you on fire 🙂 Question– if the emerging markets collapse and the bond markets collapse,  wouldn’t we have much less wealth world-wide?? If we have less wealth, isn’t that one of the things that helped drive the dark ages in Europe ?? So even if money is moving around isn’t […]

It’s a Matter of Confidence

QUESTION: From reading your blog, my understanding of your view is that all relationships are in flux with respect to markets and market drivers, except for confidence.  For example, the stock/bond relationship can change over time, so stocks do not ultimately go up or down based on what bonds do but based on where confidence […]

Spain Will No Longer Index Pensions to Inflation

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy The collapse of Socialism is unfolding before everyone’s eyes – they just ignore it. In the states they manipulate the CPI to render inflation irrelevant and impossible. In Spain, they now will stop indexing pensions altogether because they cannot create a fake CPI as the US does. There will no longer […]

Who is Buying US Bonds?

There is only one country that has bought massive long-term U.S. bonds in July and that was Japan. They bought the incredible amount of long-term bonds totaling $52 billion. Most other foreign governments have reduced their holdings of long-term U.S. bonds by $62.5 billion over the same period with Russia dumping $6 billion in July. This […]

France wants Germany to Pay Its Unemployment Costs – When will this End

The French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici wants a common European unemployment insurance to be established. The French have difficulties to cover the high cost of unemployment. In this way German taxpayers’ money could be diverted to France. Moscovici wants a “strong supranational budget”. There is simply no end to their insanity.

Government – Designed by Geniuses – Run by Morons

We cannot escape the fact that people have lost their faith in government. The latest polls show the approval rating of the US Congress has fallen to 11%. When the USA started bombing Libya, even support for Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi was at 85% and at its lowest point it was 15%. Today,  57% of voters not affiliated with either […]

Education A Complete Failure?

Education in the United States and elsewhere has been designed by academics with no real practical work experience. I was in Australia, and Macquarie Bank had funded an education program at Macquarie University. I was given a tour since they were so proud. They took over a hotel and set up rooms to be dealing desks […]

Changing Bed Partners

One of the strangest things to emerge on Capitol Hill with the Syrian affair is a coalition with libertarian Republicans and liberal Democrats. Never have these to ever met on any issue. This in itself has people talking in DC. But there is something very strange that is often not recognized. If you go to […]

Nigel Farage – His Latest on Syria

Nigel Farage in Brussels – Shame we do not have more voices of reason. We seem to be headed down a black hole from which humanity will one day point the finger and say that’s who started this.