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Will the Fed Reverse Course?

QUESTION: Marty, It seems like the Epoch Times is reporting nonsense. They just posted an article claiming that some analyst I never heard of claims that the Federal Reserve is “likely to reverse course and continue to print substantial amounts of money because doing otherwise would threaten the federal government with insolvency.” With the demand […]

The Untold War in Syria and Deserted Pipelines

We’ve heard of the refugees and people fleeing Syria for a better life, but the media rarely reports how dire the situation has become. Reuters recently reported that 1.5% of the Syrian population is DEAD due to the ongoing war. Estimates state that around 83 people (18 who are innocent children) die every day in […]

Britain Head of Military Tells Troops Prepare for WWIII

Britain’s Military Chief of the General Staff had just taken that position and he has already told the army they need to prepare for war against Russia in Europe. He has told every soldier to prepare to fight Russia in a potential World War III. He has pledged to forge an Army that can beat […]

The Heat Wave is Right on Target into Peak 2024

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, your forecast for 2022 to be hot and dry has come true. It was 86 years from the Dust Bowl. Do you try to get those in government to listen? Obviously, all the dead cattle would have survived if people would just follow your model. FD ANSWER: I suppose I have given […]

Robbing Russians = You Are Next?

Governments are pulling off a major profound theft. They have been violating international law robbing individual Russians with no connection to Ukraine on the pretense that this will somehow put pressure on Putin to leave Ukraine. But the US has been funding the civil war against Russian-Ukrainians in the Donbas. Western Ukrainians simply hate Russians […]

Did the American Rescue Plan Cause Inflation?

The Biden Administration reiterated that its $1.9 trillion 2021 American Rescue Plan awarded “resilience” to the US economy. The remarks come after the plan, and the administration’s overall spending came under harsh criticism from economists on both sides of the political spectrum. Senior advisor Gene Sperling stated that the plan would actually help to bring […]

Market Talk – June 9, 2022

ASIA: US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said on Sunday that President Joe Biden had asked his team to look at the option of lifting some tariffs on China that were put into place by former President Donald Trump to combat the current high inflation. Biden has said he is considering removing some of the tariffs […]

The Brazilian Election: Bolsonaro v Lula 

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (r. 2003–2010) will run against President Jair Bolsonaro this October. The former president was recently cleared of corruption charges after being convicted of money laundering and corruption whereby he was sentenced to nine and a half years behind bars before it was later extended to 12 years. […]

Hunter Biden on Gun Safety

President Biden is worried about firearms falling into the hands of criminals, like his son, Hunter. Hunter Biden filled out BATFE Form 4473 in October 2018 and purchased a .38 caliber revolver from a shop in Delaware. Hunter claimed he was not on drugs at the time of purchase, as it is illegal to sell […]

European Debt Crisis Unfolding on Target

The European Central Bank (ECB) has a major crisis beginning. The free markets always win, and the spreads on the interest rates among the member of the EU are widening for Greece and Italy. Fools are telling Lagarde to use stronger language to signal that divergences among the member states will not be allowed to […]