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Iceland – The First to Fall – The First to Rise

QUESTION: Greetings from Iceland! Thank you for all the material you post on your blog! I wish I had come across your writings 40 years ago instead of just recently. Does your model include data and predictions for Iceland? Did it predict the collapse in 2008? What is the outlook for the next few years […]

Is Anyone Really in Charge?

COMMENT: Hi Marty I think your take on conspiracy theories is refreshing especially to someone like me who is little leaning towards them.   While I am happy to concede that there is no one truly behind the curtain isn’t it bad enough that there are forces definitely TRYING to control the world which ultimately cannot […]

The Value of an Artistic Eye – You Seen Patterns other Do Not

COMMENT: Marty; I just had to write to let you know how much you do mean to a lot of people given the stubborn goldbugs who do hate your guts it seems. I bought the stocks in 2011 with the turn in your model. I sold gold in 2011 and all my gold stocks at […]

Panic of 1907

Panic of 1907 The Panic of 1907 came after the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and that exposed the entire problem of regional internal capital flows within the United States caused by the business cycle and the great variety of localized economies. Indeed, such a period of a temporary shortage burst forth during the Panic of 1907 and […]

Italian Protester Armed with Pitchforks

On Wednesday before the vote of confidence in Parliament, the government locked down itself in Rome fearful of the rising discontent in Italy. The Italian government fears violence at parades a whole new protest movement. This protest is growing from Turin, spreading to Genoa, Milan, Alfano, Rome, Savona and numerous other cities. This is what Homeland […]

Gold – Hedge Against Making Money?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I really appreciate your comment “– YOU ALWAYS ASSUME YOU ARE WRONG. Why? That forces you to constantly double-check everything four times.” Thank you for causing me to question my assumptions regarding the markets and specifically PM’s.  I can see know that I was holding gold for all the wrong reasons while […]

Keynesianism – Monetarism

COMMENT: Dear Martin Armstrong, Being a fund manager and with several bigger and commercial clients a commodity hedger, I truly admire your work. Not only that, our research, even by other methodology foremost pattern recognition and cross pattern recognition and liquidity flow detection – comes to very similar results as your calls, but we do […]

Was Navy Seal Team Six Murdered Thanks to Joe Biden?

The death of Navy Seal Team Six is being called another conspiracy blamed on Joe Biden for even blabbing who killed bin Laden as pointed out by the Washington Times. Congress was to begin an investigation, according to The Hill, but the lack of faith in government has led to the accusations that they were […]

Deflation + Inflation = Stagflation

QUESTION:  Hi Mr. Armstrong, Deflation has been described as a peacetime phenomenon. You say we are in a period of deflation and yet the world seems to be at anything but peace. If your war model turns up in 2014, do you expect inflation? Thanks MB ANSWER: The traditional concepts of DEFLATION and INFLATION are […]

The Truth Behind The Fed & the Curtain

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong- You seem to hint that Bernanke didn’t want rates to go up especially when there is a ceiling impasse. Yet, he talked about taper/untaper and torchured the market for 3 months to prepare investors for a smooth QE-reduction. Most investors I know were expecting a small taper that could have still been interpreted as […]