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The Masks – A Symbol of the Real Agenda

  I have spent decades in Asia, and people who were sick wore masks as a matter of courtesy. Masks were not worn by people to prevent getting sick because they do not work that way. When I went to the ER and they threw me into a COVID wing, I told them I did […]

Market Talk – September 25, 2020

ASIA: Major carmakers are suing the US government over import taxes it has imposed on Chinese parts. Tesla is the latest auto firm to object to customs duties introduced by the Trump administration and is demanding refunds. The US and China have imposed border taxes on each other’s goods and services as part of a […]

Climate Clock Erected in NYC To Further Propaganda

As part of this Climate Week in New York, intended to influence the US elections against Trump, they have created a clock to countdown the time remaining before we all die and it is too late to reverse climate change. The propaganda is the only way to stop this is to end fossil fuels and […]

Market Talk – September 22, 2020

ASIA: China and India have agreed not to deploy more troops to the frontline, China’s Defense Ministry said on Tuesday. The two sides held their sixth round of commander-level talks on the border situation on Monday. The countries have agreed not to unilaterally change the situation, so as to avoid any actions that might complicate […]

Leaked files Expose $2.7 trillion Money Laundering by Big Banks

The leaked files have revealed that about $US2.7 trillion in suspected dirty money moving through the global financial system. Because bankers are never prosecuted individually, they will do whatever they can without worry that they will ever be prosecuted and in the meantime, they get huge personal bonuses. If they get caught, the bank pays […]

United Nations Trying to Influence US Election Against Trump

It should come as no surprise that the United Nations is seeking to expand its power to a worldwide government as numerous countries turn to the UN to impose this be Great Reset so they can claim it is not them. The United Nations has scheduled Climate Week NYC which starts tomorrow and is intended […]

Ruth Bader Ginsberg Has Died

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the second woman to sit on the Supreme Court, died Friday of cancer after more than a quarter-century on the court at the age of 87. I must say, that our  Nation has lost indeed an honest jurist of historic importance. I agreed with much of her decisions and […]

Corruption is Neither Left nor Right

QUESTION: The supporters of the left side and of the state/public sector always mention that the private sector is the one that suffers as in general (ex. 2008/2009 AIG case) the public always comes at the end as a fire brigade to save the world. How would we answer technically to all these people? Thank […]

Market Talk – September 16, 2020

ASIA: The World Trade Organization found on Tuesday that the United States breached global trading rules by imposing multibillion-dollar tariffs in President Donald Trump’s trade war with China. WTO’s three-member panel said the US duties broke trading rules because they applied only to China and were above maximum rates agreed to by the United States. […]

Influencing the Future

FT 1998 Martin Armstrong June 27, 1998 Rubble of the Rouble QUESTION: Marty; My cousin in Britain who works in the government said the governments are acting insane because of your model. They timed the Covid-19 pandemic to coincide with your turning point January 18, 2020, and then the lockdowns are because your model has […]