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Theresa May Needs to Go to Vegas to Learn Poker

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I know you use to live here in London and in Berlin, you said you still had your British driver’s license. Everyone knows you were friends with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and that you are the one they called when Britain had to face its disaster in joining the ERM. If you […]

Market Talk- October 13th, 2017

Today we saw Bitcoin (BTC) close and break through the 5000-dollar mark for the first time –BTC recovered fast from the recent downturn to 2800 level found mid-September, the issue I have is what is the long-term prospects with such a cryptocurrency. The questions we must ask is will Governments allow such a currency without […]

The Political Turf War in Europe and why Britain is Considering Joining NAFTA

QUESTION: Marty; There is talk that Britain will join NAFTA rather than the EU. Does that make sense? What do you think? ANSWER: The EU is in a death spiral. Every law they pass is to preserve their own power – not for the good of the people or Europe. Once again, the government solution always […]

Market Talk- October 10th, 2017

News today of the Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont putting a delay on this declaration of independence to try and have an amicable solution with the Spanish Government in Madrid. Pushed the EUR/USD rates up 0.54% to 1.18 on the day. Few other announcements around the world, the Swiss unemployment rates dropped from 3.2% to 3.1% […]

Market Talk- October 5th, 2017

Key Shanghai Exchange and South Korean markets remain closed and was joined today by the Hang Seng market too. most of the focus centred upon Australia and the ASX and currency. Weaker than expected Sales data hit confidence and pushed the A$ through the recent 0.78 level to fall 1% on the day. With the […]

Market Talk- October 3rd, 2017

With core China market still closed, activity in Asia remains rather subdued. The trend is still constructive, following the steady US session but volumes continue low. The Nikkei closed up over 1% as currency drifts weaker and JGB’s are a touch softer. Hong Kong played catch-up and traded strong all day, closing over 2.25% firmer […]

Marxism/Socialism Is On the Decline

  I have warned that we are in a period where SOCIALISM is collapsing – not CAPITALISM. The distinction is manifest in rising retirement ages, reduction in social benefits, and rising taxation. This is also evident in politics. The Democrats really have no face to put forward as their leader. Hillary lost and even Elizabeth […]

2015.75 was Just the Beginning

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong I have not forgotten when I saw the reportage about you on TV when you announced that in October 2015 will start the big economic collapse. do you think that that date was bit early or really there is some thing happened? Thank you very much Mr Martin. I’m one of your fans. […]

Britain to be Subordinate to European High Court Even After 2019

Prime Minister Teresa May has walked into a hornet’s nest. By trying to drag out BREXIT into 2021 or beyond, the European Parliament has responded that it is set to demand that Britain will have to still be subject to all EU regulations and be subordinate to the European Court. That means trading in London will […]

Market Talk- September 28th, 2017

It was a mixed day for Asia even after we heard late news from the US on the proposed tax reforms. Having seen the Hang Seng and Shanghai markets closing better when others were weaker today we saw the opposite reaction. With declines for the HSI of -0.8% and just -0.1% for the Shanghai we […]