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Market Talk – January 3, 2023

  ASIA:   China’s economy grew at least 4.4% in 2022, according to leader Xi Jinping, a figure much stronger than many economists had expected. But the current Covid wave may hobble growth in the months ahead. China’s annual GDP is expected to have exceeded 120 trillion yuan ($17.4 trillion) last year, Xi said in […]

The Christmas/New Year’s Wars

Many emails have come in asking if the January target is going to be geopolitical. Holidays are a favorite time to launch attacks. Remember the Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War? Of course, during Vietnam, President Richard Nixon ordered major bombings to begin on Dec. 18 when North Vietnamese walked out on peace […]

The Political Storm on the Horizon

COMMENT: Could an individual state finish the wall started by the previous administration? It’s painfully obvious Washington has its own agenda. And at this time, I see no point in even lobbying our federal government to do anything in our border towns/states. Is it legal to have our individual states finish what was started? I […]

Federal Reserve & Misconceptions

There is an onslaught of misinformation about the Federal Reserve from everything that it can go bankrupt, and the Treasury will become a second central bank, and of course, the Fed is really the cause of inflation and its balance sheet. The proposal by Janet Yellen to buy in long-term debt and swap it with […]

Understanding the Neocons

QUESTION: I saw you on TV here in Russia. I think you are more respected in Russia than in the United States. You are the only person ever to say that war is created by politicians and not the people. Do you see any hope of avoiding war? VR ANSWER: Unfortunately, no! The only real […]

Will Putin Step Down in 2023?

We have a very serious problem. Former Chancellor Merkel has openly stated that there was NEVER any intention to carry out the Minsk Agreement and that not only condemned the people of the Donbas to war, loss of their religion, and the tyranny of Kiev, but they were using them for bait to deliberately force […]

There is No Defense to Hypersonic Missiles & Russia’s Plans to Expand

Russia announced yesterday that it will increase its military strength from 1 million to 1.5 million. The Western Press keeps putting out the propaganda that that this is all because Russia has lost momentum and many soldiers in Ukraine. I reported before that sources from Ukraine, not Russia, put the death toll at over 100,000 […]

Zelensky Pleading for World War III

I have warned from the start, Ukraine CANNOT be trusted and Zelensky is the man who would start World War III. Everything you worked for your entire life will be forfeited because of this actor. Look at the way he dresses. He is pretending to be poor and at war as if he was a […]

Political Contagion Does not Need Central Command

When our model had forecast the fall of Communism in 1989, the general press was attributing it to modern communication since the Berlin Wall fell a few months later. I pointed out that the same time difference took place when in Rome they overthrew their king in 509BC and within a few months in Athens, […]

Market Talk – December 20, 2022

ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had a negative day today: NIKKEI 225 decreased 669.61 points or -2.46% to 26,568.03 Shanghai decreased 33.35 points or -1.07% to 3,073.77 Hang Seng decreased 258.01 points or -1.33% to 19,094.80 ASX 200 decreased 109.60 points or -1.54% to 7,024.30 Kospi decreased 18.88 points or -0.80% to 2,333.29 […]