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The Real Politics Behind Ukraine & Taiwan

  We face a clear and present danger from various heads of state who are seeking to promote the cancel-culture to suppress any opposition to alter our future and that of our posterity. Schwab with his admiration for Lenin and his Young Global Leaders is pushing his communist ideas upon the world and that includes […]

Is the Future Predetermined?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; it is easy to see why the government wanted Socrates. You said Monday would be the low then a bounce and that is what unfolds. You forecast so many markets and you get it to the day. Others claim this is the guy who called 2008 so buy his latest forecast resting […]

Putin Has Won

In all honesty, Biden is the very last person you should put on the phone with Putin, who is clearly the most intelligent world leader on the stage today. The US is showing it is pathetic, incompetent, and barks but has no teeth. The West has clearly surrendered Ukraine to Russia. There is no way […]

The Total Collapse in Confidence of Government on Every Level

QUESTION: Greetings! You have said “they” want the economy to turn down, this is their goal with all the lockdowns. So now you say that if the economy has a low after March it will mean a decline into 2023. Does this mean “they” are winning if this happens? C ANSWER: No. This is the […]

2032 & Knowing Your Enemy

Our computer has projected this tumulous period where governments fall and the last 13 years would be dominated by political chaos. All of this is very stressful indeed. However, that does not mean that the future is bleak and that life as we know it will end. Thomas Jefferson wrote to James Madison on February […]

Is Blackrock In Trouble?

BlackRock peaked on target in 2021 during November and has been dropping rather significantly. At this stage, a month-end closing below 810 warns of a further sharp decline. But a March closing below 815 will warn that BlackRock may fall sharply to test the 600 level going into 2023. New lows during 2022 after March, […]

Will Trudeau Fall?

QUESTION: Marty, you said Socrates projected that 2022 would be a Panic Cycle in politics. You also said that would be global and impact Canada as well. If I am not mistaken, I think 2022 was the 3 wave of your ECM in Canada. You were the first to say that COVID was organized and […]

Neil Young Fans Trying to force Spotify to remove ALL Conservative Commentary

I think it is time for a class-action lawsuit against Neil Young and his near-dead washed-up singer. He has intimidated Spotify to shut down conservative speech on Spotify acting more like communists and fascists than anyone in recent history. The government can not do what Young is doing. That violates everyone’s constitutional rights. He wants […]

Facebook – Down for the Count?

  QUESTION: Marty you said that Facebook would peak in September 2021. Is this the high you were talking about? Has it entered a bear market? WJ ANSWER: This is the 19th year up for Facebook and this crash has already penetrated the 2021 low of 244.61 here in 2022. Zuckerberg is part of Schwab’s […]

Schwab – The Madman of Davos Changing the World

  There is a very serious problem in the social sciences where some academics think they can control the economy following the path first blazed by Karl Marx. Previously, the accepted normal was Laissez-faire, meaning that the economy was far too complex for governments to interfere. This emerged from Adam Smith and his “Wealth of […]