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Proof the Press is Rigged

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I am fairly new to your blog. I was told by two friends that you said not just that Trump would win and Brexit, but that the stock market would breakout to new highs and gold would decline for more than the last two years. I followed most of the big names […]

The Election That Would Never End – It’s Over – Trump Won

Donald Trump has officially obtained the required 270 electoral votes to become president. Not all state have yet announced, but Texas put Trump over the 270 required. The Hollywood crowd who tried to intimidate electors as well as the nation even offering to pay the fines of electors risking Civil War to get their way, […]

Obama is Deliberately Trying to Upset the Election that never Ends

White House press secretary Josh Earnest has made constant repeated jabs at president-elect Trump and his team during press briefings. He even went as far to say this week that Trump knowingly benefited from Russian hacking into computer systems of the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. Unbelievable! Let’s put this in perspective. If […]

Democrats Desperate to Steal Election from Trump at All Costs

I have never seen in my lifetime the deep hatred that is emerging in politics. Obama is clearly getting his CIA cronies to stir the pot claiming that Putin hacked the DNC to seek revenge on Hillary. But exposing the corruption inside the Democrats is not justification to overturn the election. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) daughter and Clinton […]

Hatred of the Left Continues to Set Stage for Revolution

The hypocrisy of the left continues to brew and set the stage for the break-up of the United States. The left is always the most dangerous throughout history and the most intolerant of all groups. They simply do not allow for disagreement. Trump said if Hillary won he would “absolutely support her” which makes it […]

Congressman Gets 10 Years in Prison for Corruption

Former U.S. Congressman Chaka Fattah was sentenced to 10 years in prison for misspending government grants and charity money to fund his campaign and personal expenses. It is amazing how the standards are so different for anyone other than the Clintons. U.S. District Judge Harvey Bartle called the Philadelphia Democrat’s crimes “astonishing,” especially since he and his wife Renee Chenault-Fattah, who was […]

Jill Stein – The Great Con – People Are Starting to Question Her Motives

Jill Stein is really playing very fast and loose with this whole recount thing that serves no purpose. In Wisconsin, 95% of the votes were recounted, and as of December 11, Hillary Clinton gained just 25 votes on Republican Donald Trump. President-elect Trump won the state by more than 22,000 votes. This is some sort of publicity […]

Is CIA Trying to Cover Its Own Hack or Accommodating Obama?

Obama’s parting shot across the bow is his order of a full review into hacking aimed at influencing US elections going back to 2008. Instead of targeting the CIA or the NSA, WikiLeaks has gone after an organization Democrats actually care about — the Democratic National Committee and exposed its internal corruption. If Obama could, […]

Football in Decline

Many are now blaming Colin Kaepernick for the sharp decline in American football ratings. Kaepernick began kneeling during the national anthem in the NFL preseason as a protest of the injustices against people of color because of Trump as if he has done something. Kaepernick has continued to protest in every game this season. Now, more than […]

The Power to Manipulate is a Delusion

QUESTION: Hello Martin, every day I read your blog. Today was about All Roads Lead to the Dollar and manipulation: First you say that the system cannot be manipulated: (“the system, which is crumbling before our eyes, cannot be manipulated. This is why BREXIT, Trump, and now Hollande in France are stepping out and Italy […]