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Sorting the Nonsense & Prejudices from the Truth of Reality

COMMENT #1: Mr. Armstrong; I want to say thank you so much. I am not sure you are even aware of how right you have been during this entire debacle and I am not referring to just your forecast of the decline in the stock market which saved my future. While everyone was regurgitating the […]

Is Greta Trying to Cash in on the Coronavirus?

Even Greta Thunberg is getting in on the act by trying to claim she has the coronavirus. She wrote in a social media post on Tuesday that she and her father had both shown symptoms of COVID-19 after returning from a recent trip to Central Europe. She had stayed inside and self-isolated for the past […]

Managing Money v Teaching You How to Survive

QUESTION: Marty, they have always called you the Legend. You have proved that you are probably the greatest trader that ever existed. You not only have choreographed when the correction would start, but you have held our hand through this entire decline. Again you said the market would decline into the 23 of March and […]

Why Confiscate Gold if it is Such a Small Part of the Financial System?

QUESTION: Hello, Daily reader with coronavirus, in the ER waiting. If gold market is a low percentage of the whole market, what does this measure allow to collect significant capital? Any comment will be appreciated Keep up the excellent work!!! Best regards AK ANSWER: This is not about how much it would collect. They are seeking […]

Why the Quantity Theory of Money is Destroying Capital Formation

There is no question that the fundamentalists #1 Golden Rule has been when stocks crash, run to bonds. We are entering the collapse in public confidence and this is BEYOND the central banks despite the massive attempts to intervene. Keynesianism is DEAD!!!! We have entered uncharted territory which is the darkest fears of academics for […]

Market Talk – March 17, 2020

ASIA: India closed the Taj Mahal, one of the world’s premier tourist destinations, to counter the COVID-19 virus outbreak in the country. India has so far managed to keep cases low by responding fast and aggressively to the coronavirus and urging people to practice social distancing. India has reported 125 cases of the coronavirus. India […]

The Coronavirus Panic & the Dollar Panic

  Following Mondays near 3k point drop in the DOW, today’s attention is brought back to the Repo market and the demand for US Dollars is off the charts! In the FX market, there has been significant demand for dollars with aggressive bids seen against the Euro -9, GBP -7 and CHF -10 for T/N […]

The Fed Makes a Fool of Itself – There is no Santa Claus

This is the very essence of a financial crisis. Despite the fact that Trump cheered the Fed and they cut rates to ZERO, the risk was what would happen if the market continued to fall. Another steep sell off took place which resulted in the halt of trading again on Wall Street as Monday opened. […]

Europe Melting Down – Central Bank Chaos

The European markets are crashing from the currencies to the debt – even the Bunds. The smart capital is realizing that this is the end-game. Central Banks are in a state of absolute crisis. We are looking at the extreme volatility that is required to eventually create the slingshot. As we head into the end […]

The Repo & Fed Crisis

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I have been reading your blog with interest for six years now and recently I subscribed to Socrates. Thanks for all the insights. I have a question regarding the repo crisis and interest rates. Socrates correctly predicted the start of the repo crisis back in September. When will the Fed give up […]