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VOD: 2017 World Economic Conference – Hong Kong

Unlimited Access. Powered by Vimeo. Inlcludes Q&A session with Ashley Warren. Runtime: 09:07:33   Please note: This is a Digital Product. It may take a few moments to confirm your order. Please allow the page to load and select the “place order” button only once, as repeated attempts may result in double charges. Once your order […]

The Federal Reserve Un-Discussed Structure

COMMENT: Your 4-2-18 FEDERAL RESERVE VS CONGRESS Blog should be framed & sent to every talk show host and politician in the country. It really puts everything in perspective. SC REPLY: What I find most astonishing is that to write that article, all you have to do is a little investigation. Nobody bothers to question anything. That […]

Germany Arrests Former Head of Catalonia for Spain Confirm the Spanish Constitution Violates Human Rights

One day soon, the world will suddenly discover that the European Project is authoritarian because they believe the people are stupid and politicians know better. When that day dawns, the crisis in Europe will erupt in total shock and this will undermine the entire economy which has rapidly fallen to even behind China. At the […]

Proposed Monetary Reform in Switzerland would Destroy the Country

In Switzerland, we have the perfect example of the old saying – a little bit of knowledge is dangerous. We have activists who are clearly living in a world they comprehend no less than the financial system. These people have managed to get a referendum on changing in the financial system with the same promises of […]

Is their a Social Cycle in Attitudes?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your article of the whole issue of prostitution. The entire problem is that some western women assume that all prostitutes engage in the profession unwillingly. That is just so biased. What about the women who marry not for love but for money. They are not forced. When the Iron Curtain […]

Culture – Law – And Different Ways

Several women have written in and disagree with what I wrote about prostitution. They argue that 75% of prostitutes come from broken homes, which today is over 50% of marriages. They also state that these girls were abused as children in every way possible and many are runaways. Some also argue that these girls turn to prostitution […]

Direct Democracy – Is it Possible?

  The advancement in technology today certainly allows us to scrap the Republican form of government with pretend representation of the people by career politicians. There is no reason we cannot vote from home on every bill and that no bill may be merged with any other subject matter. There should be no sneaking spending for […]

The Creature from Jekyll Island – Unprofessional Propaganda Book

QUESTION: Martin. Have you read the book Creature of Jekyll Island by Edward Griffin it is about the Feds and how they control? Many years ago I thought it was fiction but after reading it again it is true. My Question what can we do money will be what they want it to be the […]

Lativa Banking Crisis Unfolding on Schedule – Will it Lead to a European Contagion?

  The Latvian Financial Supervisory Authority is concerned announcing a resolution plan for the crisis bank ABLV that is threatening a contagion risk of further closures of financial institutions in the country with a predominantly foreign customer base. There is a serious risk of a contagion unfolding that will also force consolidation and mergers in […]

CalPERS on the Brink of Insolvency

  The largest public pension fund in the United States is the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) for civil servants. California is in a state of very serious insolvency. We strongly advise our clients to get out before it is too late. I have been warning that CalPERS was on the verge of insolvency. I […]