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Boehner, Mr. Government – Anti “We The People”

John Boehner is by far the most ruthless head of the Republican Party perhaps in history. He runs the Hill as Speaker in full dictator mode. The effort to actually punish Republicans, such as North Carolina’s Mark Meadows for voting against Boehner, is really unprecedented. Boehner previously retaliated and removed several people from chairmanships in any finance related […]

What We Cannot Say Publicly – Do We Hold Back?

QUESTION: Marty, everyone is starting to say there is a big crash coming now in October. I have attended your conference since the early 1990s. You always say the majority cannot be right. My question is this. Obviously, when I look closely they are not saying what you have been saying. There are differences. Even […]

John Boehner – the Most Evil Dictator in the History of Congress

John Boehner is one good reason why there should be a law that if a state continues to elect someone who will destroy the nation, that state should be ejected from the union until its comes to its senses. California gave us the corrupt Dianne Feinstein, which is reason enough to hand it back to Mexico and say […]

Putin – the Most Popular Leader in the World

The most popular world leader among his own people is none other than Russian President Vladimir Putin. Indeed, Putin’s domestic approval ratings have risen to an all-time high of 89% and have never dipped below 85% all year. Obama, on the other hand, has seen his approval rating collapse to below that of George W. Bush, and will most […]

What Is Going on in the NY Fed? Will They Break Apart Big Banks?

In a speech, the New York Federal Reserve Board President William Dudley addressed the outrageous misconduct that has been going on within the financial industry. Indeed, it has really just been a few bad apples. Nevertheless, Dudley doesn’t pinpoint any one firm rather he states: “The problems originate from the culture of the firms, and this culture is largely shaped […]

Britain Headed Back to a Mini Ice Age

We have been warning that the danger is by no means global warming, but global cooling. The energy output of the sun has turned down. Now scientists are warning that what we have reported is crashing rapidly. The collapse in the energy output of the sun is so intense that climate experts are now warning […]

Socrates Examples of Questions

HELP: Questions must be in proper English form. For example, “WHERE IS”, “WHAT ARE”, “PLEASE LIST”, “DO YOU SEE ANY PATTERNS”, etc. You must also specify the level as daily, weekly, out to yearly. In addition, please specify the market, such as Gold or the Australian 10-year bonds. You may inquire as to DOWNTREND, UPTREND, full […]

Europe’s Lack of Integration v USA Discrimination

There is little doubt that Europe is moving into what Jefferson described as the third phase of government: Force. The federalization of Europe is now the number one agenda to project the jobs in Brussels. There is no such thing as “European”. If you ask anyone in Europe what they are, they will NEVER respond “European”. Instead […]


COMMENT: Hi Martin, I like your idea of capping government spending at 5% of GDP.  I also agree that simply increasing the money supply would work just fine instead of destructive taxation. However, your plan still assumes that we’ll have benevolent politicians in charge who actually give a damn about the nation. The Founding Fathers […]

Investor v Trader

Our services will be divided into two main categories – Investor and Trader. The Investor class is largely designed for those who have people manage their accounts and/or make long-term decisions for retirement. This level of service will tell you the trend in motion and will pinpoint the likelihood as to when the current trend […]