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Obama Supporting Al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda is a major player in the Syrian Rebels. The Obama administration is so determined to have the U.S. military help al-Qaeda win the civil war in Syria to open the pipeline to end the Russian monopoly on gas to Europe.  That is the key to this mess while the slaughter by the Rebels of […]

ECB Warns Greece May Need Two More Bail-Outs

Greece is in trouble because the entire global monetary system is turning to dust and will soon fall to the ground. You cannot borrow forever with no intention of paying anyone back. Greece will still need even more help possibly twice according to the ECB (European Central Bank):. Greece will need about €10-11 billion euros and […]

NSA is Really After Money

If anyone believes whatever the government or politicians say is the truth, then you have your head in the sand. Edward Snowden has revealed what the NSA has really been up to. They have access to the SWIFT system of all bank transfers. They are monitoring all money movements everywhere. Anyone who truly believes these […]

War Bullish or Bearish?

Many people are talking about a stock market crash when Obama invades Syria. When we look at that historically, war does not create a major decline in stocks. Here is a chart of the Dow for the Gulf War in 1991. The market rallied after Congress authorized force. The idea that people will dump stocks […]

Confiscation of Pensions – How Syria is Setting the Stage.

The US is dependent upon selling debt to someone. This Sovereign Debt Crisis has made the US vulnerable for it really cannot act unilaterally in international affairs as Obama is attempting. The USA is dependent upon selling its debt with about 40% being held internationally. Obama’s policies come at tremendous cost to the economy long-term. […]

Vatican holds 5 Hour Vigual for Peace in Syria – Obama & Kerry Are Not Religious Men So Big Deal

On Saturday, Pope Francis urged world leaders to stop a “spiral of sorrow and death” in Syria. He held a special five-hour prayer service that was attended by 100,000 people in Rome. Even Italian Muslims joined the Pope in his vigual for peace. There has never been such a mass of anti-Americanism perhaps in history. This […]

Dirty Dealing on Syria in Washington

The only key Arab nations supporting Obama are Saudi Arabia and Qatar and that is all about the pipeline blocked by Syria. There are even rumors that the Cyprus event was used to cripple Russians and cut-off their eventual access to a huge gas field there yet to be brought into production. If the Russians […]

Obama Desperate to Attack Syria to Distract People from Budget Crisis

Sources directly from Capitol Hill revealed that three separate letters were sent to Obama from members of Congress warning him not to take action on Syria before they return. That has been the whole point. Obama faces a debt ceiling battle in September and the Treasury runs out of money in October. John Boehner is […]

NSA Has Access to German Airlines Systems

The reach of the NSA is simply unbelievable. The NSA has access to the booking system of Lufthansa. The American security authorities may intervene directly in the booking system of Lufthansa of course on the pretense of terrorists who probably announce their plans on Facebook, are using Windows 8 laptops, search via Google, and check financial […]

Obama Under Pressure on His Syria Nonsense

Obama is not finding it as easy to start a war as Dick Cheney via his patsy George Bush, Jr. Three letters were delivered from Congress to Obama. They informed him that he should not go to war with Syria before Congress returns. Obama tried to skirt that issue of not consulting Congress by just […]