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1985.65 + 31.4 = 2017

COMMENT: Marty; I attended your 1985 World Economic Conference in Princeton. It was amazing to see so many people from around the world. I remember the whole delegation from the Middle East in their white robes. It was like a mini United Nations. I remember that chart showing 2017. Back then you did not reveal you […]

Berlin – World Economic Conference – November 28-29, 2015

We are holding this year’s 2015 World Economic Conference in Berlin, Germany, and it may be the most important conference since 1987. While so many people are now starting to mimic our forecasts for Big Bang, all now touting the autumn of 2015, this is going to be far more complicated than what the typical analyst comprehends, […]

Police Harassing Tourists in Bangkok & Elsewhere

The police in Bangkok are also harassing tourists. This is a rising trend as police forces around the globe are converted into IRS agents on wheels. Switzerland is using cameras to hand out tickets and the fine can be a percentage of your income for driving even 1 km over the speed limit. Italy is […]

Fractional Banking: Propaganda to Hide Manipulation & Trading?

COMMENT: Armstrong, I have to admit that you are right and I was wrong on fractional reserve banking. Due to the ongoing conflict in what I wanted to believe and what you said would be true, I researched myself. Although I am an accountant I adopted the claims that banks can create money out of […]

The Greek Proposal: No End to the Crisis by Any Means

The Greek proposals included higher taxes, welfare charges, and steps to curtail early retirement. This is simply more deflationary pressure that will crack Greece apart. However, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is not prepared to cut nominal pension or wage cuts first sought by lenders, which would more likely than not spark revolution. Tsipras, who was elected in January […]

The Solution – the ONLY Solution

QUESTION: Can you please explain how your Solution is different than what Central Banks around the world are currently doing  and appear to be poised to expand on?  And how it changes anything? As I understand it your plan is to exchange all national/soverign government debt for private equity credits, which smells alot like a […]

Monday’s EU Summit & Troika’s Misguided View of Greece

The summit held Monday of the new superheroes, known as the Euro-Rescuers, are lost in the canyons of their own minds for they do not comprehend how the economy functions in the least. They just cannot see the problem for they lack a mirror and will never question themselves as a problem. Consequently, the same line of thinking […]

Failed Dreams & Destroying Europe

The whole idea of a one world government that began in Europe with the Treaty of Rome was based upon the idea inside Europe that a single government would end war. They never considered that there are two sides to that coin ­– international war and internal war – that we call revolution. As Thomas […]

London Anti-Austerity Protest Draws 100,000+

This is socialism collapsing. Hundreds of thousands of people have joined together to protest anti-austerity. So many people attended that the police refuse to number the crowd fearing it was just too many. We are at a crossroads. We have people who live in their little bubbles like Rogoff and Buiter who tell government they need […]

The Revolution Around the World Will Not Be Televised

COMMENT: Hey Marty, Hope you are well. The Spanish police are crazy – they now stop all cars (including taxis) at night on the road out of town to make sure people are not drunk.. good idea you might say, but they are actually checking the passengers and ‘fining’ them if they have had one […]