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Government Pensions Will Cost $2,500 Per Household & Climbing

The crisis we face is the collapse of society because those in government have been greedy and lined their pockets with our labor. On average, we are approaching the $3,000 mark per household that will soon be the cost of government pensions. This is a staggering number that begins to rise exponentially. This is why […]

Fitch downgrades China’s In ANTICIPATION

The Fitch downgrade of China’s credit rating is interesting because it is ANTICIPATING that China will have to bailout the state and local governments as well as banks. Under this approach, Europe should be downgraded to JUNK status.  Fitch downgraded China’s sovereign credit rating for the first time since 1999 because of concerns that the […]

Blue Dollar Market

The Argentine Government has made it its policy to overvalue the Argentinean Peso (to hide the fact that people are buying dollars and smuggling them out of the country in any way they can as a result of the brain-dead policies they’ve been pursuing for about a decade now). Of course this has led to a “black […]

Regulating Gold Getting Tighter

The story of ABN Amro ceasing delivery of precious metals it had previously offered to its Dutch clients regarding gold, silver, platinum and palladium, had been an agreement with Deutsche Bank Netherlands, who suspended that agreement. The change only impacts those in Holland and has nothing to do with paper contracts that exist in every futures […]

US better than Germany London FT Declares

The view of the USA from outside is always enlightening for those stuck in a domestic world. All we ever hear about is the US debt, the Fed monetization, and Obama’s latest attack upon the constitution. That notwithstanding, the view in Japan with North Korea itching to draw first Japanese blood and Europe demonstrating it is about […]

North Korea – Cycles of War

Even Castro came out warning the 30 year old rash leader of North Korea against war. We tend to judge people by ourselves and assume since war is illogical that everyone else would see the same thing. That is VERY far from the truth. It is not our rational thought process that matters, it is […]

North Korea & Russia Joining Forces?

The barbarians knew when to invade Rome because it had weakened its own economy. The real risk to Europe and the USA is the Sovereign Debt Crisis. Russia can smell the blood. Europe has slit its own throat with this Euro nonsense and the stress is becoming visible along the borders. If there was ever […]

French President Hiding Money?

In France a financial scandal is now threatening to bring down President Francois Hollande, since it emerged that his former Socialist Party treasurer invested in two Cayman Islands offshore companies. Here is the man who is hunting the rich while his own campaign funds go offshore. Amazing!

Just Astonishing

I guess politicians today are not familiar with Euclid. It is just beyond belief but did you know that if x = y and y = z then guess what? It is just astonishing, but OMG x = z: Go figure! That is just totally amazing. It doesn’t take a pocket calculator or a whole new […]

Cyprus Proposal

Cyprus Proposal  March 27th, 2013, 5:00PM EST Cyprus Proposal   The paramount questions remain:   1)     What is the end-game solution for the Euro? 2)     How will the Euro survive after the Cyprus solution? 3)     What is to be accomplished by staying in the Euro and suffering the indignities Brussels is inflicting upon Cyprus? 4)     […]