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Who Are You?

QUESTION: Martin, Just one question – How do you understand things so well? I understand people who have lived in the real world – been there, done that! sorts, but to be able to have a worthwhile opinion on almost everything under the sun is something pretty unbelievable. WHO ARE YOU? Thanks for all the […]

1929 v 2015.75

QUESTION: Noting the 86 year Sov Debt cycle referred to in the Greek 2017 post,what about the 86 years from the Dow high in 1929? Since it arrives in 2015.75 and is 10k times Pi or 10 times the 8.6 year cycle it ‘sounds’ significant.Given the phase transition yet to come might it mark a […]

Putin’s Speech – Tax Free Corporates for 4 Years

COMMENT: Well it looks like Putin is doing more than reviewing your film to approve its release in Russia. He is reading your  blog. His speech today is offering tax free status for corporations exactly for your 4 year period into 2020. He only talks about the Silk Road joining with China. BW REPLY: Yes, […]

Is Canada Preparing for War?

Canada has made it drastically harder to apply for citizenship. The curious issue is the bottom-line concerning the military. There never was a fast track in Canada if you served in their military. All of a sudden, they are now creating a fast track if you serve in the military after increasing the time requirement by […]

The World Share Market Reports for 2015.75

October Release of the World Share Market Reports We are now preparing the World Share Market Reports and will not be taking orders until they are published in October. They will be available by either download or hard copy. The set of three will be priced at $1500 (U.S. dollars). The WEC Princeton attendees will […]

Greece 2017 – Sovereign Debt Cycle

There is the old saying “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” refers to the story of the Trojan Horse. Yet in Eastern Europe, because of the defaults of the Byzantine Empire onward, the long-standing saying was that someone was “Bankrupt like Greece.” The two countries who are serial defaulters in Europe are France and Spain. The Spanish […]

Government Has Gone Insane – That’s What a Phase Transition Is All About

“Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad,” was spoken by Prometheus in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem “The Masque of Pandora”. This seems to be very appropriate to explain our government officials for they are truly insane when it comes to economics. This is all about them sustaining a failed system that is unsupportable. They refuse to look […]

Is There a Shortage of Gold in Europe? Will It Be Confiscated?

Some people have misread my posting on an observation in Spain. The retail sale of gold coins was virtually nonexistent in Spain. This is not a shortage of gold. In Italy, bullion coins were being sold in stores. It is France that is after gold coins, demanding no cash sales and reporting on buyers and […]

The Collapse of Obama’s Trade Deal May Be the Start of the Split in Republicans

The word from the Hill is very interesting. The minority conservative Republicans are starting to revolt against Boehner – the destroyer of the Republican Party. If there are two of the worst possible people we could ever have in politics, it is Obama and Boehner. The word around the Hill is that this may be […]

Expect Real Estate Mortgages to Become a Nightmare

As a result of Title XIV of The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (another agency to complicate matters) issued a number of mortgage related rules that are not actually voted on by Congress. They will impose far more paperwork and raise the cost of mortgages, while the Dodd-Frank […]