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Money had NEVER been Tangible! Period! If you do not understand what money is you will lose your shirt & more

COMMENT: “Money will no longer be tangible?  Declaring that the tangibility of money is dead will not make it so.  Goods will always be tangible and must be traded, bought, sold in with some kind of accepted tangible commodity — be it seashells, beads, or gold and silver.  As you mentioned, paper money, when accepted, was […]

Naxos Tetradrachm

QUESTION: What about ancient collectibles? Do you think these are a good investment? ANSWER: Yes. Ancient coins are collectibles internationally whereas American coins bring the highest price in the USA as is the case for Japan and so on each in their native country. Ancient coins a recognizable internationally and thus tend to be a […]

The “Solidus Mancus”

CAROLINGIANS. Uncertain king. Late 8th-9th century. AV Solidus Mancusus (19mm, 4.02 g, 8h). Imitating Abbasid issue of caliph al-Mansur. Uncertain (northern Italian?) mint. Dated AH 158 (AD 774/5). Kalima in three lines; Second Symbol in outer margin / Continuation of Kalima in three lines; mint formula and AH date in outer margin. Ilisch Group IV; MEC […]

Italians Protesting Against America Spy Satellites

About 1,000 people have besieged the American Military Base in Sicily demanding America get out with its huge antenna there. The protest began claiming this spy satellite is harmful to the health of the people. The police were called in to intervene and had to tear gas the protesters. Several 100 demonstrators stormed a U.S. military base […]

Swiss want to End the 1,000SF Note

The drive to eliminate cash and move to 100% electronic money remains in full force. The Swiss are coming under pressure to eliminate the 1,000SF note from other countries fearing money can be hidden in cash avoiding taxes. The Swiss would never admit that they are doing this because of pressure, but this is what […]

The Silent Expropriation (Die stille Enteignung)

What I have been writing about may seem extreme to some Americans. But in Europe where the economic decline is in full bloom, the “Handelsblatt – Germany”, the leading newspaper on business, has come out with an article entitled The Silent Expropriation  (Die stille Enteignung). This is the most respected newspaper so it is not the lunatic […]

The Next Generation Pensions R Vanishing – Why The Dow May Yet Double

Since the late 1990s, the birth rate is relatively constant at 1.4 children per woman in Germany. according to the Federal Statistical Office . This is effectively the same trend among all developed nations. This eventually leads not only to the fact that the population is decreasing not only in Germany but in all developed […]

War & Capital Flows

QUESTION: If 2014 is a war year how can confidence in economy continue till 2015? ANSWER: This cycle is the beginning of unrest. We expect this to begin manifesting in terms of civil unrest – not a worldwide war. That could come later as things develop. However, the civil unrest is most likely to begin […]

Glass-Steagall Returns by Default

QUESTION: If Europe is imploding, general global economy slowing and there is a liquidity crunch, Why in heaven is the Fed going to start taper in september? Because of political pressure are they going to taper/rise rates and leave the Banks on their own with Has the Fed decided to really clean the system? Thank you […]

US Promises Snowden No Death Sentence or Torture

Let me make something very clear. The USA routinely tortures people. The press simply will not report it as such because they are controlled. If they report anything the government does not like, the journalist is targeted by the IRS and any individual that does not do as Washington demands is dead meat. I personally […]