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September Chaos Obama Wants $1.6 Trillion More in Taxes

President Obama is already posturing to raise taxes again. He is now calling for $1.6 trillion in tax increases. We are headed into a massive black hole and there is not much we are going to be able to do. These politicians are totally out in left field and we may actually see a government […]

Napoleon Bonaparte First Consul

During April 1795, in the 3rd year of the French Republic, the National Assembly created a new currency. From now on, the franc was to be the standard coin in France. The franc was one of the most modern currencies of the time, for it was divided decimally: 1 franc was equal to 10 decimes […]

Why the World Economic Must Collapse – This is Important

When the founders of the United States put pen to paper, they outlawed DIRECT TAXATION to preserve liberty. The American Revolution slogan was NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Now G20 backs new tax transparency plan that will be the fatal blow to the world economy. The new tax reform action plan has won the support of the G20, […]

ECB & China Accepting the Same Type of Products from Banks that Blew Up the World in 2007

The ECB and China are allowing their banks to post the very same products that Blew-Up the Financial World as collateral for loans. The banking crisis in Europe is devastating because the reserves were the various euro bonds of all member states. Cyprus went down because of their losses on Greek bonds. Banks is Europe […]

Where will Capital Go After 2015.75?

QUESTION: When the capital flows change direction after 2015.75, . . . .. If the inflows come to the USA after Japan & Europe implode, where does capital go after 2015.75?????? ANSWER: If we see the crisis unfold in Europe and Japan over the next 2 years, we will get the traditional Phase Transition here like Japan […]

So Who Really Tried to Blackmail Yeltsin & Takeover Russia – NSA-CIA-or Investment Bankers?

Perhaps the number one question I always get about the ordeal I went through and the sheer chaos that surrounded everything, was just who really was behind the plot to blackmail the former head of Russia Boris Yeltsin to stop him from running for reelection in 2000 and hand-pick Boris Abramovich Berezovsky? It is true […]

More Bernanke Confusion & Turbulence

In the wake of Wednesday’s surprisingly questioning of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, he has unleashed a massive selloff in the US dollar by giving the reverse impression that the Fed may exit from monetary accommodation and easing. Bernanke stated that the Federal Reserve was failing on both of its core mandates, and that inflation was too low and unemployment too high. […]

WHY the NSA Scandal is so Damn Serious

Snowden is not the first to reveal what the NSA has been up to. I have heard this being commented on in meetings on the Hill as a matter of fact. The American press prefer to slander Snowden pointing to his girlfriend and the fact he dropped out of high school. Perhaps he is supposed […]

2016 – the Coming Event Horizon

I have written about the 224 year cycle. These turning points have marked major changes in political trends. Sometimes society survives mostly intact because we blink such as the replacement of monarchy in Britain or the overthrow of the king in Rome giving birth to the Republic in 509 BC and the birth of Democracy […]

Can money be Intangible?

QUESTION: OK you were right about gold. But your idea that money can be intangible without inflation I am not sure about. Are there any examples? ANSWER: Plenty. Aside from the fact that money was ALWAYS intangible in Asia and in Ancient Egypt before Alexander the Great’s conquest in 334BC, there are examples in Europe […]