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Why Jury Decisions Reflect the View of Government

The most famous trial where a jury stood up refusing to find the defendant guilty in the face of a corrupt government, was that of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania. Penn was the leader of the Quakers in London. The sect was not recognized by the government and was forbidden to meet in any […]

Defense Department Exempt From Providing Any Accounting

Part of the 9/11 conspiracy, exposed on September 10, 2001, is an unexplained $2.3 trillion missing from the Defense Budget. The plane that struck the Pentagon (if it was a plane) hit the room with all the records. That ended the investigation exposed the day before and Donald Rumsfeld promised to investigate. Well 9/11 certainly stopped […]

The Constitution – A Lawyer’s Perspective

COMMENT: Martin, Excellent, refreshing review of the enactment and enforcement of legislation under the Constitution; your blog entry should be taught in grammar schools across the country. I graduated Columbia Law school and have been practicing for 30 years.  No exaggeration, your straightforward exegeses of the plain wording of the Constitution beats hands down what one […]

Judge Rules Administrative Court System Illegal After 81 Years

Well it has been a long time coming, but all along there have been discussions behind closed doors (never in public) that the Administrative Law Courts established with the New Deal were totally unfounded and unconstitutional. With the anniversary of Magna Carta and the right to a jury trial coming up on June 15 after […]

Bilderberg Meeting: June 11-14 in Austria

Here are the participants for the Bilderberg meeting over the weekend in Tirol, June 11-14. Bilderberg is named after a hotel chain where the first meeting took place  May 29-31, 1954, in Netherlands. As the G7 summit of the Seven Dwarfs closes, another opens. Thursday sees the start of the influential Bilderberg policy conference, which will be held […]

Global Warming: Weather Is the Newest CIA Weapon

The CIA loves to waste money, dreaming up schemes for fights that are just not real. They are listening to academics talk about global warming and are living in fear that perhaps Russia is manipulating the weather to create floods and droughts. There goes countless billions down the academic hole to create a top secret weather machine […]

Raising Tax Rates Reduces Tax Revenues

New security devices intend to stop robots by making the user answer a simple math equation, such as the sum of 3 + 5. While this may be beneficial, it most likely prevents politicians from entering your site since they know how to BS, write laws, but cannot do math. Increasing tax rates reduces tax […]

The Rumor Mill

We have received a number of e-mails, asking if we cut a deal with Alibaba to dominate the Chinese financial marketplace. I do not know who starts these rumors, but it is not true. Yes, in 1999 we were going to provide economic forecasting for the Chinese government and over 1,000 of its agencies. Yes, […]

Gold & Reality Going Forward

COMMENT: Martin, It has been a long time since ….. has sent out a blog post, but I got one today. When Mr. …. probably first started slamming you for calling the 2011 gold top, his …. was 7.82.  It is now 28 cents, and he is still touting gold as the only real asset and debt as […]

Socrates and Cyber War

QUESTION: I attend Abundance 360 hosted by Peter Diamandis each year and he states that only the Pentagon, Homeland Security and NASA have Quantum computing abilities and that they can hack into any program on the planet with those abilities.  With that said will Socrates be based on a Quantum platform? ANSWER: Preventing attacks has been one […]