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Domestic Panic v International Contagion

COMMENT: I’ve found a very good point in one of your writings “there are panics that are local such as 1792, 1837, 1869, 1893, 1907 just to name a few and then there are those that are contagions that are global such as 1857, 1873, 1929, 1987 and 2007. Sometimes the contagion began in Europe […]

Unemployment v Recovery

QUESTION: Can there be a recovery with rising unemployment? There seems to be some who say that is impossible. ANSWER: This is the entire problem with analysis. There is NEVER a standard answer because the truth is far more complex. The common mistake in analysis is man’s desire to reduce everything to a single one-dimensional […]

Never punish a people for the sins of their political leaders

COMMENT: Marty – You are correct I believe in regards to Germany during the 1919-1923 period and even beyond…It was taken over by the Bolsheviks. You’ve alluded to the revolutionary Marxist takeover and government in Germany at this time…a fact many people probably aren’t aware of.   Also, what many don’t realize is that CHAOS […]

Will Syria be the Start of World War III in 2014?

The civil war in Syria has long-reaching consequences for the whole region. However, nothing is more serious than making the same mistake twice. While it is popular to demonize both the leaders of Syria and the former leader of Iraq Saddam Hussein, what both did was keep the religious zealots in check. The consequences for […]

The High Cost of Economic Decline Politicians Ignore

  1929 Suicide Jumpers Whenever there is a deep economic decline with the economy imploding into a black hole of deflation, suicides skyrocket. The high cost of massive unemployment in Europe leads to massive desperation. As this erupts on a greater scale, what comes bursting forth is civil unrest and revolution. I cannot stress enough […]

If you cannot Meet EU Criteria – Change the Rules

The EU is changing the rules concerning deficits. Whatever countries spend on infrastructure will be exempt from the deficit, even though the debts will increase further. Their idea of creating jobs is to hire more government workers rather than reduce taxes to create business. Just amazing.

Its a Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy

QUESTION: Today employment came with 195K. 1- If Europe is imploding, China slowing, Emerging markets slowing, is the US employment story sustainable? 2- After the governments bond collapse beyond 2015.75, could USA devalue the dollar and make a combination of bond default with a new currency? 3- Is physical gold in the allocated form in a […]

Male or Female Makes No Difference – They Are All After Your Money

When Diocletian (284-305AD) came to power after the Great Monetary Collapse of the 3rd Century, he sought to restore the economy even reintroducing silver coins. However, to accomplish that he imposed aggressive taxation and invented passports since you could not travel leaving your town unless you paid your taxes. This is exactly what is in […]

Austria Forces Bolivian President to Land looking for Snowden

Europe still does whatever the USA orders it to do. Like Rome, all roads lead to Washington. It does not matter that the USA is spying on European politicians, it is also in a position to blackmail them so they do as the USA demands. There is no better example of this than Austria forcing […]

Metals Bull or Bear?

QUESTION: Dear sir I have read your articles extensively and i have a few questions… You have repeatedly said that the tree must be shaken (for gold) but as far as i know gold and silver are in a BEAR market. This is not a correction in a bull market any more but a bear […]