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The European Bond Crash

The turmoil in the European bond market has demonstrated that the theory interest rates will not rise and are in control of central banks is dead wrong. Despite the ECB’s policy to buy in government debt to inject cash into the markets, one would think that the bonds would have a firm floor of support. The […]

Brussels to Take Over Tax Collection in Europe – End of Democracy

Germany and France have called for the establishment of a central EU authority for the eurozone to raise taxes independently. This plan is part of a package of proposals for far-reaching integration of the single currency zone: the federalization of Europe. Currently, only national governments may levy taxes. This is part of the step to save […]

Gold & the Languishing Continues

The purpose of the Reversal System is to provide confirmation of a trend. In gold, the potential for a pop into June required a weekly closing above 1239. We wrote on May 15, “A weekly closing above 1239 should confirm the pop to the upside. The key resistance technically stands at 1309 area.”  We failed to close above […]

Tax Rebellion in Denmark?

In Fredensborg, Denmark, ten official cars from the Tax Administration Office were set on fire and destroyed overnight in a protest. Police received notification Wednesday night at 3:09 a.m. that the Tax Administration offices on Kratvej were on fire. So far, there are no suspects. The police will undoubtedly hunt for someone retaliating against the Tax Man. On February 18, […]

The Crash of the Bunds – Long v Short

COMMENTS: (1) Marty, are there any key downside support levels we should be paying attention to here? That call from your computer model warning us to look out below several months ago, all while the Euro Bunds were continuing to rise and setting new lows for yields, is absolutely remarkable! (2) When you said sell the […]

Municipals Squeezed Between Feds & State

In response to questions from a major U.S. city and the debt crisis, I will not mention the names for this is sensitive and highly political. I have decided to address the question, which I would normally do privately, only because a lot of municipal governments are in trouble in many countries. The same problems […]

The Pension Crisis – Illinois Tops the List in the USA

Illinois is now regarded as the worst state in the nation, with respect to the prospect of a collapse in state pension. On May 8, 2015, the Illinois state Supreme Court handed down a decision that severely restricts the ability to revise pensions. The court ruled that the Illinois constitution prohibits a 2013 bill that intended to address […]

The Link Between Inflation & Interest Rates

QUESTION: Hi Marty, The reason central banks like to have inflation, is because they get to reduce the effective value of their respective national debts over time. I do not know why there is a link between inflation and interest rates, which is assumed in BB’s remarks. Is there any basis for that ? Regards […]

NSA Supported by Republicans Who Have Betrayed the People

The National Security Agency (NSA) lost its authority at midnight to collect Americans’ phone records in bulk, after Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul stood in the way of extending the hotly contested program in an extraordinary Sunday Senate session. We should pay attention and vote any politician who renews such powers out of office. The […]

VELOCITY of Money Below Great Depression Levels

The New York banks have been my adversary, to say the least. Alan Cohen, the court receiver put in charge of running Princeton Economics, was simultaneously on the board of directors of Goldman Sachs. When the SEC said the contempt should end, Cohen lied to the court to keep the contempt going, without even receiving […]