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The 224 Year Cycle Turns Tomorrow

With the ECB giving the ultimatum  for Monday for Cyrus to either raid everyone’s accounts robbing the average person for the political misconduct of creating the Euro in a half-ass manner, they are making the 224 year cycle precisely to the day. Cyprus will have no choice to turn to Russia and Russia would be […]

Cyprus – More than just a Debt Risk

Copyright March 21, 2013 all rights reserved By Martin Armstrong The Cyprus event is the key to geopolitical survival of Europe. There is a substantial difference between Russia and China. Russia lost territory and as such needs to reestablish its “empire” that it sees as territory not economic power as does China. That means that […]

M.F. Global = 1st Cyprus

There has been at least one universal principle that has been fundamental up until now that the savings of ordinary people should be protected in these bank failures, up to a threshold of 100,000 euros in the European Union or 100,000 dollars in the United States. There has been also a key fundamental principle that […]

Cyprus – Germany’s Crisis

The Cyprus proposed tax on everyone to pay for the fiscal mismanagement of government and the bankers demonstrates that politicians are by no means representatives of the people. They cannot be when there are no term limits and they make politics their career. That means they are the GOVERNMENT and that means they see every […]

Cyprus & Argentina

The Dow has most likely reached a temporary top but a close below 14307 is necessary to confirm that. The Cyprus event based upon sources directly there inform us that this seizure was a directive from Europe. It is most likely inspired by Merkel refusing to bail them out because of the Sept elections. Argentina […]


One of the most critical aspects of why it is so important to understand history is because it is both a catalogue of solutions as well as potential threats. At the Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference today we discussed FORCED LOANS. Both the cities of Venice and Florence issued laws FORCING citizens to buy their bonds. This […]

Marx, Karl

Karl Marx (1818-1883) Karl Marx was a German philosopher economist and father of communism, Marx was awarded his doctorate by the University of Jena in 1841. His political activities entailed a nomadic existence on the Continent of Europe until, in 1849, he settled in London where he remained for the rest of his life. The […]

The 224 Year Cycle – March 22nd, 2013

(included in the Ticket Price for the Princeton WEC March 18-19th) The 224 Year Cycle is Due to turn March 22nd, 2013. We have prepared a special report on this cycle 44 pages in all that covers this cycle from ancient times to the present. Included are the primary targets the USA, Russia, and China. […]

Gresham, Sir Thomas

Sir Thomas Gresham 1519-1579 Sir Thomas Gresham was an English merchant and financier who became the financial Adviser to Queen Elizabeth I (b 1533; 1558–1603) of England. Gresham first articulated this in 1558 for what he is best remembered for Gresham’s Law, which was the statement that “Bad money drives out good.” Henry VIII (b 1491; 1509-1547) engaged in competitive […]

Puerto Rico is Becoming the Strange Attractor

Politicians being mostly lawyers only see their power to change and make laws as absolute. They fail to comprehend that they too must be competitive for their actions alter the behavior of all. They drive capital out and attract capital in by simply being uncompetitive or competitive. Puerto Rico comes under the US mantle as […]