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Collapse in the Rule of Law: The Average American Does Not Trust Courts

The National Post has reported the sad state of the American legal system – there is nothing left. As they said, “The right to a fair trial just does not exist.” We have reached that point in the evolution of government where the rule of law fades into the night. It is all about corruption; […]

Is There a Legal Solution?

Some people have asked whether there is some legal means to readjust government and hold politicians accountable. There was once upon a time the legal right of Quo Warranto. This is a Latin phrase meaning “By what authority”. It sounds very nice; I even wrote a motion to demand by what authority does a judge have to hold someone […]

FIFA & U.S. Law

The greatest exports of the United States have been McDonalds, blue jeans, rock ‘n’ roll, and of course laws that they stretch to worldwide jurisdiction. All roads lead to Washington, not Rome. Outside the USA, the FIFA arrests have sparked a huge controversy as to why the USA becomes involved in soccer when they do […]

Is Gold Becoming Illegal?

There is a very curious new development with respect to gold. In many European countries, people can no longer buy retail gold coins for bullion. Shops will buy but no one is selling. Banks that previously offered gold to the public have shut down in Spain. If someone leaves Spain wearing a lot of jewelry, […]

Ancient Merchant Banking – the House of Lucius Caecilius Jucundus – the Banker of Pompeii

  Merchant Banking is where banks always began throughout history. Trading in the various commodities and engaging in import/export was the path to wealth from ancient times to the present. The takeover of Wall Street came from the commodity side where traders were born. It began with the Gold broker house of PhiBro who took […]

The Schema Frequency

There are actually three dimensions to the Economic Confidence Model and no, I have never published the third for security reasons. This is the dimension that identifies the sector coming into focus. The wave function of the ECM is far more than just two dimensions, for it is this third dimension that introduces complexity and tests the mind […]

Gold – the Hedge Against Government

I have stated countless time that gold is NOT the hedge against inflation, hyperinflation, the anti-fiat antagonist against the dollar, or manipulation that keeps gold down; paper gold suppresses the price, and anything of the sort that amounts to promotions or excuses. Gold has followed the deflationary trend in commodities, if you haven’t paid attention to oil, […]

This Time It Is Different

For years, I have warned that we will face our worst nightmare – the collapse of socialism. In the death throes of this abomination that even the Ten Commandments listed as a serious sin, equal to “thou shalt not kill”, government will become the ugly beast that will devour society to retain power. Of course, […]

2015.75 = The Crash in Government

To set the record ABSOLUTELY straight, the “C R A S H” we see on the horizon is by NO MEANS the private sector and the stock market. It seems just using the word “crash” leads people to assume we are talking about another stock market crash. Interestingly, inaccurate reports have said that I have said that were will be a “stock market […]

Deflation – When Will It End?

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, It is CRYSTAL clear that your call for a deflationary cycle has been right on the mark. No one else saw it coming. The changes that are part of this were not as visible even a few years ago like they are now. (Of course they were to you!) I can see […]