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The Dow High Nobody Believes

The Dow Jones Industrials has rallied in the face of incredible skepticism with a litany of reasons why it shouldn’t be happening, that are of course all domestic oriented. This is fantastic for it shows the market is NOT historically at a high. Bubbles come when the vast majority claim the rally will never end. What is […]

Understanding Correlations

Understanding correlations is important. EVERYTHING fluctuates! There is absolutely nothing that remains constant. You MUST understand that correlations are NOT one for one, and often show changes in advance of turns. It is a lot to keep track of but this is why I try to post a global view to help you see the […]

Portugal Civil Unrest

Civil Unrest in Portugal continuing to rise. The big rally to get rid of the government on March 2nd appears to be just the beginning. “Grandola”, the signature tune of the 1974 “Carnation revolution” that overthrew the fascist dictatorship of Antonio Salazar after the army rebelled, reverberated through the crowds. We should see rising civil […]

Beware the Dollar Rally

The entire world is falling apart. Europe is held together with string and bubble gum. Southern Europe will crack. There is no doubt about that and with austerity imposed, it is hard to see how Europe will survive with the Euro. Perhaps the only sensible politician in Europe is Nigel Farage. He alone has stood […]

Bank Run In Greece

We have researched absolutely everything that ever moves. We have correlated EVERYTHING and probably spent way too much money on this sort of thing than would make economic sense. But it has been a passion – a quest to figure out how things really move. Economics has assumed the world is still flat. Research approaches […]

China Moving Closer to Floating Yuan

China is set to use swelling offshore holdings of its tightly-managed currency worth around 1 trillion yuan $160 billion (106.33 billion pounds) to justify a landmark shift in tactics to relax capital controls. People’s Bank of China (PBOC) will abandon a time-table approach to liberalizing China’s capital controls. Instead, they are adopting a series of […]

Real Estate

A reader wrote: “Martin’s latest post says real estate will rise, but a chart posted a week ago predicts dire things for real estate after 2015.  Which is it? Can you ask him please!” Real Estate is the most difficult to talk about because it is so diverse lacking a single market. My post saying […]

The Secret Obama Strategy

Obama keeps turning to speaking engagements blasting the Republicans and refuses to negotiate with them despite the poles show that 59% now believe he should be staying in Washington. There is another agenda going on that is becoming very obvious to real political observers. Obama is pushing the  gun controls and more taxes in order […]

The Sovereign State Defaults of 1839-1843

Some question about Sovereign Defaults and how often they occur seem to assume the the Age of New Economics ushered in by Keynes eliminated that possibility and besides, it only took place once in 1931. Even within the United States, the federal government promised to honor the debt of the Continental Congress. They did not. […]

D-Day Budget Cuts At Last

About Time! The SPENDING CUTS will go into effect! The ONLY jobs impacted will be government that COST a fortune and produce NOTHING. This will help the dollar in light of Japan and Europe. The impact on the economy comes from the rise in taxes he signed into place to start with. WHY if he […]