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Hillary Clinton’s Lucrative Life of Crime

It is very interesting how outside of the U.S. people see Hillary for who she really is What is really interesting is that outside the USA, everyone sees Hillary for what she really is — a greedy politician. Of course, MSNBC would never say a bad word against Hillary for she walks on water. When […]

Funding the Movie

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I have been a fan of yours for a long time and congratulations on the Forecaster going to the big screen. Although I am just a small fish in a big pond, I am sure that I am not alone among you many readers. Have you thought about letting the throngs of […]

“The Forecaster” Now Moving to Feature Film

This has really been an amazing tour. The response in Europe has been at blockbuster levels, to the point that they are now going to turn “The Forecaster” into a feature film portrayed by actors. The level of people who now are grasping that there is a huge problem, set in motion by Clinton’s repeal […]

Rothschild’s Famous Quote Likely Made-Up

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” This popular quote is often attributed to Mayer Rothschild. However, it is most likely a fake, despite being directly quoted in “The Creature from Jekyll Island”, further demonstrating my point that this book is way too biased and not […]

The Blood Moon & ECM

QUESTION: Martin, I couldn’t help but notice that the forth blood moon will occur on Sept 28 2015. This seems to coincide with your 2015.75 turning point. Any thoughts? ANSWER: Our model has not taken astrology or events such as the Blood Moon into account. They may be markers, which have been correlated to events, but I personally […]

The Nationalization of Banks?

Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Bank of Rothschild, is commonly misquoted to have said: “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws”. That is very nice and quaint, but times have changed. In those days money was coin. What the Rothschilds really controlled was not so much money, […]

How to Read the Forecast Array

The top line is the composite of all 72 models. You can see clearly that there is a choppy but declining trend into May 2015. From May onward, there would be a shift in trend. This is what the top line was showing. The top line is always the most important for it is the sum […]

Germany Goes Nuts: Coincidence, Luck, Influence or Something Else?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I realize you do not believe you are influential. However, you began your European tour on April 28th and ever since the bond markets have declined and you said buy gold coins in Stuttgart and Germans are frantically buying gold all of a sudden and the economy has not yet collapsed. This […]

The Collapse of Socialism – It’s Our Turn up to Bat

The entire idea of Marxism is coming to a real crash and burn. China and Russia experienced that collapse in 1989.95 with the turn in the Economic Confidence Model. The events began with the crackdown that initiated on June 3-4, 1989, which became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre.  The fall of communism began when military troops with […]

Hillary – The Corruption Never Ends

More and more details keep surfacing about the corruption of the Clintons. The biggest contributors to Hillary are Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, and Citibank. After all, it was the Clintons who repealed Glass-Steagall, enabling transactional banking that is destroying the world economy. The view of Hillary from outside the USA is much more critical than […]