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Gold – Silver – Hyperinflation

It is vital to understand that what we face is by no means the plain vanilla version of governments just printing into hyperinflation. These people are fighting back as is ALWAYS the case with core and major economies. The German hyperinflation took place AFTER a revolution with a unstable government that lacked credit. When there […]

The World is Going Nuts & Gold May Not Help

The French Socialist MP Yann Galut, the deputy chairman of the new Commission on Tax Exile, told the press he intended to target French who have left the country and go after their assets regardless where they live. In a book I hope to have finished this year, I have covered the collapse of every […]

Moody Cuts UK Credit Rating

If anyone doubts we are in a serious Sovereign Debt Crisis, then explain why even the Credit Agencies are cutting the credit ratings of sovereign nations. There was France, and now there is the UK. Moody’s cuts the UK Credit Rating to Aa1 from Aaa, citing weakness in the nation’s medium-term growth outlook that it now […]

Greece – The Canary In The Coal Mine

The ultimate price of Marxism is striking its deep blow into the very heart of Western Society. We are about to learn the VERY same lesson that both Russia and China had to learn. You cannot control society through its economy by dictating prosperity. President Karolos Papoulias of Greece has come out and made a very […]

Gold Sales Emerging From Storage

I have been warning that the 2010 Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act that has turned into more than 500 pages of regulation and is causing a massive economic global contraction in the velocity of money, is also responsible for gold sales of late. As reported, even Switzerland has been forced to sign away its personal rights and […]

Thank You – There is More to Come – Currency Collapse?

“I think you’re a positive influence to many more then you think, and I know they hope you stay the course.  A lot of my friends read your work and appreciate it.  There’s always going to be haters, and who knows why and who can explain them??  I’ve observed my life that some people simply […]

Gold – Reality Check

The chaos in gold is typical. Already, the hate mail has begun. “Stop the Bullshit” one said because demand in Shanghai is at record highs.It takes far more than one country to make a bull market. Others just blame me for the decline because they just listen to those who always say buy. The New […]

The Dow

The Dow Jones Industrials have only reached 14102. They have not yet exceeded the 2007 high. Nonetheless, the market is paused for significantly higher highs and for now we are still in a staging position. Today should have been a Directional Change and the Dow backed off. Still, we face a lot of volatility building […]

Uncompetitive France

The head of US tire maker Titan International launched a blunt attack on French productivity. He told the government that some French workers “work only three hours a day” and his company would be “stupid” to consider taking over a factory in the country. The remarks of Titan’s CEO, Maurice Taylor, addressed in a letter […]

No Government Has Ever Survived a Debt Crisis !!!!!

Question: Has any government ever survived a debt crisis? The answer to that is ABSOLUTELY no. This is simply how government always die and we do not speak Latin, Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Chinese, or Ancient Babylonian. They have ALWAYS, and without exception, used the same Obama Logic going on right now. They have routinely seen themselves as […]