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The Flight From Bonds Has Begun

The shift out of bonds is being noticed even in Washington these days. This is perhaps the number one issue concerning questions we have received from political and institutional circles. The rise in the Euro was in part caused by the sell off of long-term bonds. The manipulation of buying in the long-term to help […]

Hyperinflation – How Did They Get It So Wrong?

QUESTION: How did they get hyperinflation so wrong? ANSWER: The one-dimensional thought pattern. For whatever reason, we try to reduce everything to a single cause and effect. Gee – everyone who has ever eaten a carrot has died and that proves that carrots are lethal. This is a true statement that everyone who has ever […]

Is Hyperinflation Associated only with Revolutionary New Governments?

QUESTION: I have done my own homework and it appears you are correct regarding monetary history and that simply because a currency is “fiat” does not result in hyperinflation, Even the Greenback of the US Civil War did not result in hyperinflation. Is it correct to say then that hyperinflation takes place only with revolutionary […]

EU To Limit Cash Withdrawals to 100-200 Euros per day If a Bank Goes Down

The model in Cyprus of limiting cash withdrawals from banks is being adopted in the EU for the entire system. The European idea of socialism is the sustainability of the government – not the survival of the people. Europe continues to destroy its economic future by undermining public confidence in their entire financial system,

Fed is Very Concerned About Rise in Rates

Interest Rates are not actually within the scope of the Fed’s power. It can create a base rate, but everything from there is indirect. That is why the Fed bought in 30 year bonds. It was hoping to create a shortage of long-term to reduce mortgage rates and encourage capital to buy mortgages. Everything they […]

FDIC-Bank of England – Bail-In

  Resolving Globally Active, Systemically Important, Financial Institutions A joint paper by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England   10 December 2012           Resolving Globally Active, Systemically Important, Financial Institutions Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England     Executive summary   The financial crisis […]

Asset Allocation Blog

We have received numerous requests from old institutional clients that they need help on asset allocation. Even the famous All Weather Bridgewater Fund used by pension funds is under water. The asset allocation modeling that we have done for institutional clients over the years is adopting the most dramatic changes how portfolios should be restructured […]

Interest Rates – Just Amazing

There is a tremendous degree of hidden order behind everything. Here is a chart we have been publishing for decades. We created a continuous chart of the US government 30 year bonds back to inception. Look at the uptrend line. We reached our target objective here and it was a retest of that technical line. […]

The Fed is so Short they need a High-Chair

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, What does it suggest when Governments decide to switch from issuing long-term bonds to short-term bonds? Does this occur because of such a collapse in confidence the country/government that even high yields don’t attract investors any longer? I have read that recently, several South American governments/corporations are having difficulty selling their […]

Gold & 2015.75

QUESTION: If gold is a hedge against government, then that would explain why gold rose from 2007.15 to 2011.45, a period which your model shows lower confidence. If confidence in government is now rising, as predicted by your model, regardless of the inflation, people have confidence in QE, etc so will feel less need to […]