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The Rising Tensions: Kashmir – Hong Kong – Korea

The War Cycle is by far on schedule. We have tensions rising almost everywhere. In Asia, we have the Kashmir Crisis as hundreds of people took the streets in Srinagar, the main Indian city, to protest New Delhi’s decision to lift the special status of the territory. In Hong Kong, there are fears that China […]

Will Governments ever Listen Before there is Blood in the Streets?

COMMENT: Thank you for ‘Why Private Blogs’. You should get goose bumps once in a while about your work~, the project is massive in scale, certainly worthy of my respect and everyone else in readerville and your employ as well. This piece is well written and also lays out a good mission statement reminder to […]

IMF Recommends “DEEP” Negative Interest Rates as the Next Tool

The IMF has continued to assume that the zero-bound on interest rates can be a serious obstacle for fighting recessions on the part of the central banks. The IMF maintains that the zero-bound is not a law of nature; it is a policy choice. The latest in the IMF papers argue that tools are available […]

Market Talk – August 7, 2019

ASIA: Last week on Thursday, President Trump threatened to add another 10% tariff on an additional 300 billion USD worth of goods coming into the U.S. from China. China responded to President Trump’s threat by allowing the Chinese yuan — with the current exchange rate of 7.05 Chinese Yuan to the dollar — sink to […]

Market Talk – August 1, 2019

ASIA: Tensions continue to mount in Hong Kong as protests are still occurring regarding the Chinese extradition laws. China released a video as a deterrent to those who think about carrying out riots in the region. The video is three minutes long and shows military carrying out “anti-riot” exercises. This video shows that there is […]

Has the Ice in the Arctic Ever Melted Before?

QUESTION: Martin, Been reading you for years, starting when the SDNY wrongly jailed you and basically destroyed your constitutional rights, s/b a movie… what a great service you do for human kind…hope some of it sticks..lucky for all readers we have you for now to help us face the future,”thank you” !!! Our question concerns […]

Sweden Implanting Chips in Your Right Hand to Eliminate Cash

There have been many people who fear the forecasts of the Bible’s Revelations and the sign of the Beast that no one will be able to buy or sell without receiving “a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark […]

Senate Briefed on UFO Rash of Recent Sightings?

Well, the conspiracy takes are red hot that the aliens are coming and just waiting for us to self-destruct with World War III so they can inherit the planet. Believe it or not, three US senators were given a classified briefing about UFOs which have been seen traveling at hypersonic speed by US Navy pilots. […]

France Refuses any Negotiation on BREXIT & Demands to Punish Britain

Paris is adamant that the EU should not renegotiate the Brexit deal. The French want to punish the British at all costs, and that means at the expense of their own employment and markets. Amélie de Montchalin, France’s minister for European affairs, said, “If the UK wants to leave the EU, and in an orderly […]

Goldman Sachs Control the SEC

QUESTION: you spoke about trump draining the swamp, how would you drain the swamp, we agree it needs draining? tg ANSWER: The first thing you have to do is eliminate the control of the regulatory agencies by the bankers. Enough is enough. We must start there. We will NEVER see any hope for the future […]