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Learn the methodologies behind our system's accurate forecasts. Unlike academics who rely on simple linear progressions, our system incorporates history, science, and cyclical patterns to determine when an event will occur.

Macron Wants to Take Car Production from Germany

President Emmanuel Macron is waging war against Germany to usurp their car production by first killing it with climate change regulations. Then he announced an €8 billion plan to make France the top producer of “clean vehicles” in Europe. The rivalry between France has always been deep-seated. The number of wars between the two countries […]

Is it Time to Throw Every Politician Out of Office Who Imposed Lockdowns?

There is a rising discontent against politicians who have scared the hell out of people using this virus. They did so without ANY justification other than a bogus old program from Imperial College, funded by Bill Gates, that used a stochastic to try to forecast the future like the child’s game Sim City. The polls […]

The New Norm – Social Distancing Forever

In discussions behind the curtain, it appears that there is also a hidden agenda to embrace Bill Gates’ virus for the purpose of suppressing our freedom. The Marxist Socialist Model that took over the world beginning with the Progressive Era at the turn of the 19th century is collapsing.   The unfunded liabilities and the […]

Hong Kong – The Matchstick to War?

The US-China tensions over Hong Kong are boiling over. The US government is reportedly considering imposing sanctions on Chinese firms and officials over China’s new national security laws for Hong Kong, which have already re-ignited anti-Beijing protests in the city. The UK government has also raised concerns over Chinese state TV reporting on the new […]

Families Dividing over the Virus

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong: I had to write to tell you that you are absolutely right about two things in particular I have now seen one presented so thoroughly one sided I could not believe what I was reading. I was reading one of the blogs where they were condemning the so called climate change deniers […]

Is Gates Stupid or Very Clever with Vaccines?

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong I was in a discussion with a friend about current affairs – me, against Bill Gates and the likes and him, taking a more neutral stance. He asked if I watched some or anything he actually said. I said yes, well at least what you have posted I have watched in […]

We are Headed into War

There is clearly a new Cold War that has begun between China and the United States which is not going to end nicely. This is the direct result of this Politically Manipulated Virus. Western politicians have so abused their power in locking down society and in the United States the Democrats have nothing to stand […]

Risk of Making Gold Illegal

  We must understand one thing. This is an absolutely all-out major assault upon capitalism being led by the Socialists in union with the Climate Change and the Gates Foundation which has also been pushing the democratization of paper money. This means they are no about to allow any alternative to their agenda. This goes […]

Seizing the Moment – Mandating New Green World Order Manipulating the Press

The Gates Promotional PR Team is out in full force lobbying the press to now support the redesign of the economy to end Climate Change. The strategy behind Gates is to use the media to put pressure on the politicians who will do whatever they think the people want and the way to get that […]