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World Economic Conference XXV Starts Tomorrow

The seating for 300 at the Cycles of War Conference sold out and additional hundreds viewed it around the world live. The video streaming appears to work well – it was our first attempt at a worldwide broadcast. The feed seems to work for people in China, Russia, South Africa, Brazil, India, and the Middle […]

Cycle of War Conference Moved to Marriott Hotel

    The Cycles of War Conference has been moved to the Marriott Hotel on Market 5th Floor Street 1201 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 625-2900 This Friday – March 21st – 1-5 PM EST This will be Available for Delayed Viewing for 2 weeks Because of the overwhelming number of people who would like to […]

Understanding Russia

I have clients on every continent and traveled just about everywhere. What I have learned is to understand the people of any nation, you simply have to (1) know its background and history, and (2) its language. The combination of these two elements allow you reach the all critical comprehension of their thinking process for […]

Announcing Streaming & Change of Venue

The Cycles of War – Sovereign Debt – Gold Conference on Friday March 21st will be streamed around the world live. The price will be $350. We had to change the venue due to crazy unions that control Philadelphia and are destroying its economy. Apparently, there is a camera man’s union and we cannot have […]

Expansion of Services

We will be releasing after the conference the third page to the GMW that will contain the Forecasting arrays and charts. We will provide a brief overview of the GMW at the Cycles of War Conference, a more detailed trading review on the Sunday event, and we will be demonstrating an access where you will […]

Research – Shocking there is Order in the Chaos

COMMENT: Martin, I trust you are doing well this weekend. I have been looking at the eight cycles of mini rallies and mini corrections we have had in the S&P 500 for the past year or so (eight cycles from 2012-11-16 through 2014-02-05).  I tallied up the total days (305) and was calculating the average days […]

The Corporate Buy-Back Trend – Right on Cue

History repeats not merely because human emotions never change, it seems we end up with the same decision process that leads to the same trends. People just love raining on the current parade as stocks rally when they missed the entire boat to begin with. The bearishness with the new highs in the S&P 500 […]

Obama uses the Same Nonsense as Putin

We are still awaiting panic cycles at the end of the month so this is not over until the fat lady sings as they say, albeit we do not expect military action between any major powers before the October/November time period. For Obama to claim that a public vote in Crimea would violate the Constitution […]

Comparison WWI & WWII

A lot of questions have been coming in regarding what to expect in the markets concerning war. This will be covered at the conferences in detail and it is why we set the time for these events in line with the Panic Cycles in models. We will include the comparison of how even the precious […]

Putin – Resurrecting the Soviet Union by 2020

Putin has made it clear that he regards the fall of the Soviet Union as the greatest catastrophe of the 20th century. He has stated previously it is his goal to resurrect the Soviet Union by 2020. His response to using force is clear: “If we see this lawlessness starting in eastern regions, if people […]