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Stock Markets Crashing Into the 2015.75

The fact that the stock markets are crashing into the 2015.75 turning point, rather than making a major high, indicates what we should expect to unfold in the future. In 1987, the low was on the day of the ECM, as was the case in 1994, whereas 1998.55 was the high in the Dow that […]

Debt, Debt, & More Debt: 2015.75

The 1985 World Economic Conference Back in 1985, we warned that the Sovereign Debt Crisis would emerge on 2015.75. How was 2015.75 forecast so far back? This is pi; 31.4 years into this Private Wave which began on 1985.65. At the 1998 World Economic Conference, we put out this slide listing the sequence of events. […]

About Us

Armstrong Economics offers unique perspective intended to educate the general public and organizations on the underlying trends within the global economic and political environment. Our mission is to research historical cyclical patterns and market behavior in timing, price and crisis to better understand and identify potential future trends, using an extensive monetary database and advanced proprietary models. Read […]

Will Gold Complete the September Rally?

Gold’s rally into the target weeks for the ECM appear to be linked to the potential crisis in European banking. This has nothing to do with the dollar, fiat, inflation, or whatever. The only reason gold rises is the hedge against real crisis and uncertainty. Gold may not be sustainable. We really need to see […]

Global Warming/Climate Change Guide for Dummies

  QUESTION: Martin, Can you go into more detail about the time frame for global cooling, and its ramifications, what to do to prepare oneself etc… Obviously this is going to affect everyone, everywhere. craig ANSWER: According to our models, this downturn should be greater than the last one in the 1700s. Volatility rises, so the swings […]

2015.75 – The Turning Point

It is fascinating is how congress kicked the can down the road, and one thing that may cause a fight is Planned Parenthood. If the government shuts down over this fight on the day of the ECM, it looks like it will be the peak in government debt, which could begin to make people wonder […]

A Question of Money — Interest & Bankers

QUESTION:  Mr Armstrong, interesting article today, the story of the store of value (at least long term) has always confused me. One can look at saving accounts also as an asset as it yields the interest payment and one relinquishes the access to the money. No difference to bonds. But your article causes some questions: […]

Dollar & Reserve Currency Status

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, First of all, congratulations for all the public information that you are offering in your website. For humble learners like me is fascinating. Your ECM says that there would be a peak in October. Could it be a peak in the confidence in the Dollar as a reserve currency? I would […]

DAX for the Close of August 2015

On the monthly level, the DAX has not yet given a long-term sell signal. August indeed produced the Panic Cycle the computer highlighted for August, and we still see September as a target for a turning point. If the DAX can establish a low with the ECM, then it will be in a position to […]

CalPERS – Buying the High in Bonds? Oh Boy.

CalPERS, California Pension Plan for government workers, is adopting policies that demonstrate that they are incapable of managing money. They cannot handle the “volatility” in stocks so they are moving into bonds, and whatever shortfall they produce should be made up with higher taxes. If you are in California, my condolences. This is a strategy […]