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The Coronavirus Panic & the Dollar Panic

  Following Mondays near 3k point drop in the DOW, today’s attention is brought back to the Repo market and the demand for US Dollars is off the charts! In the FX market, there has been significant demand for dollars with aggressive bids seen against the Euro -9, GBP -7 and CHF -10 for T/N […]

Will Coronavirus Alter the Economy Forever?

I have been doing my own investigation using REAL DIRECT sources who do suggest that the death rate caused by the flu is higher than reported and in that case, the numbers may be understated, but that does involve the elderly in particular. Hence, the death rate here with the Coronavirus may really be on […]

Chaos, Viruses & Cash is Not Trash but King

QUESTION: Marty; first I want to thank you for Socrates. It called the crash in stocks, gold, currencies, and Bitcoin when everyone else was foaming at the mouth. The rumor was that $16 billion in gold was dumped. Was this just trying to crush the goldbugs, or was this more what you said at the […]

Happy Pi Day – The Crack in the World Financial System

Happy Pi Day   I want to wish everyone Happy Pi Day. I would also like to say I have no symptoms and I did not shake the hands of the Brazilian Press Secretary when at Trump’s Mar-a-Largo. Since he tested NEGATIVE, I have no worries. I have been sequestered anyhow inundated with clients around […]

Market Talk – March 10, 2020

ASIA: The yield on the Indian government’s 10-year bond slumped nearly 11 basis points on Monday when it hit an over 11-year low as a decline in global crude oil prices eased concerns over inflation and fiscal deficit. Rising expectations of a rate cut by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) following a rout in […]

The Reason for the Crash

QUESTION: Why is the US Dollar tanking during this Coronavirus outbreak? Would have thought it was a safe haven. And why is the Japanese Yen increasing? Why is Japan considered a safe haven? M ANSWER: This has nothing to do with the Coronavirus. The capital flight began with the concern that Bernie was leading the […]

Market Talk – March 9, 2020

ASIA: The Indian Bureau of Immigration announced that those flying in from Italy and South Korea will need a medical certificate saying they are corona-free to enter India. Italian and South Korean nationals who have been granted fresh India visas issued after March 5, 2020, and have been issued a medical certificate from the designated […]

A Bear Market is Not Likely in the Most Hated Bull Market in History?

Well, here we go again. These people who claim to be experts are warning that it is the fallout from the global coronavirus outbreak that has caused the crash and one says this could be “worse than the financial crisis” of 2008. Another analyst claims to have forecast the 2008 Financial Crisis is now saying […]

Market Talk – February 28, 2020

ASIA: The chairmen of India’s biggest corporate companies lost around 7 billion USD of personal wealth combined to date in notional terms due to the COVID-19 outbreak in China and other parts of the world. Most of this wealth erosion happened over the last 15 days, when domestic equity indices have come tumbling down. BSE […]

Demonizing China & Russia – A Covert Means to Justify War?

QUESTION #1: Mr. Armstrong; The latest conspiracy is claiming that the Chinese are behind the coronavirus and it was a biological weapon. The new twist is the claim there is a “Gain of Function” attribute they engineered. The claim now asserts that there is peer-review citing a study Antiviral Research (Vol. 16, April 2020) entitled, […]